I've never committed a crime, and I am frequently described by my peers as quiet, very kind, extremely smart, and humorous; and each and every one of my employment appraisals attest to my good character and work performance. I endured all of the stated and much more for essentially reporting workplace harassment, first to my employer at the time, and, subsequently, to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (after my employment was terminated from the company where I'd submitted the internal and legitimate complaint of harassment), and, eventually, to the courts after discovering that the company had solicited, acquired, and published a defamatory report about me to EEOC from a psychiatrist who I never conferred with and who based his report on demonstrably false claims provided by my previous employer and their attorney* at the time, who had neither met nor spoken to me...
*It is notable that this attorney, (W. Wright Mitchell), did not represent my previous employer of subject during the case that I brought against them, which was acknowledgement essentially that he'd done something wrong. This attorney was also no longer at the law firm that he represented when he solicited slanderous statements against me. He rather represented himself with Miller, Hamilton, Sneider & Odum, LLC, a much smaller practice that he does not list in his Linkedin profile, a practice for which I could not locate much of an online presence. Mr. Mitchell informing me that he'd filed a malpractice claim with his insurance company during a call that I made to him expressing my dismay of what he'd done was further acknowledgement that he'd done wrong, though I never saw a dime of whatever money his malpractice insurance paid out for the damage that he'd done to my reputation, and for the very serious financial harm that he'd cause me, particularly as it related to future employment prospects)...
EEOC Improprieties
I was not even aware that the defamatory psychiatrist's report existed until I requested and received a copy of my EEOC file, noting that EEOC didn't voluntarily provide the file to me or allow me the opportunity to respond to the information that they'd acquired from my previous employer, Lenbrook Square in Buckhead, which, notably, has all new management... They simply closed my case and issued a Notice of Dismissal and Right to Sue. EEOC did not render proper consideration to the fact that now former Lenbrook managers had solicited and acquired libelous (written) statements from a new at that time employee who worked on a different shift than I worked on, and that they'd acquired no such statements from employees I actually worked with everyday for several years. I had very brief, if any, communication with the penning employee during changing of our shifts (and whatever we discussed only pertained to information that I needed to know that was relational to the job); and the statements in her letters, one of which is dated February 11, 2003, a day after I'd submitted my complaint on February 10, 2003, and the other of which is dated February 13, 2003, a day before my termination from the company on February 14, 2003, were complete lies. Had EEOC allowed me the opportunity to see and respond to this information before they dismissed my case, I could have demonstrated this to them.
One of many of the intelligibly articulated things that I'd made mention of in my single-spaced, 43-page complaint to the HR department of my previous employer of subject were racially offensive books that were being left near the switchboard at my work station as a Concierge/Receptionist. One of the books was entitled "Southern Cross" by Patricia Cornwell, a book that bears a Confederate flag on its cover, and which is self-described as a story of corruption, scandal, and murder, where a former police chief "must navigate through local politics and prejudices to solve a brutal murder." Put yourself in my shoes for a moment. You're working for a company that, by the way, flies or flew a Confederate flag in one of its meeting rooms, and where there are or were at least intense racial tensions that even the human resources director at that time had acknowledged, and where you yourself have been a subject of racial harassment, and someone has left a book of this sort* at your desk, that, unlike other books that had been donated to the company library, had no other apparent destination (Other books included "Mortal Prey" by John Sandford, "Final Target," which is described as a deadly drama, written by Iris Johansen, who, according to her credits, has also written such books as "The Killing Game" and "Then You Die," and "Reunion in Death" by J.D. Robb.
The employee who wrote the libelous letter stated that she became aware of my expressed concerns with the noted books after portions of a draft of my complaint to HR regarding harassment that I was experiencing printed out somehow with documents of her own. She stated that the books, "Southern Cross" and "The Killing Fields,"* had been given to her by residents, which was rather astounding, considering that she herself is African American and/or a minority, albeit her light skin and curly hair (*I never stated that “The Killing Game,” which was erroneously titled in the penning receptionist’s letter, was a book that had been left at the receptionist desk).
The penning receptionist also falsely stated that I said that someone was "sabotaging" me internally surrounding statements that I made in my complaint regarding the fact that the company IT technicians and/or other staff members with administrative privileges to the computer at the receptionist station were remotely interfering whenever I utilized the computer at the front desk. For example, when I attempted to open and/or save newly added information to files on my disks a message would appear stating that there was a "File Permission Error" or that the document was "locked for editing by another user," which was precisely what had happened.
The company IT techs would periodically call in and ask me to turn on and/or perform other functions on computers in the office. I'd then watch as they remotely typed/entered information into those computers. So the statements that I made in my complaint regarding remote tampering with the computer at the receptionist station were not at all far fetched.
EEOC neither considered the 7 satisfactory annual health evaluations that the company had itself performed on me and all employees, as a method of determining continued suitability for employment, the last of which is dated 11/1/02, only three months and a few days prior to my termination, and which asserts verbatim, "This individual has no limitations noted that would hamper their ability to function in their present position..." Psychological evaluations are in fact performed during all health examinations during verbal and non-verbal communications between the examining medical practitioners and the examined. Also note my satisfactory performance evaluations, in which I exceeded job requirements* in the area of judgement (*Performance evaluations, job interviews, and completed employment applications are all instruments for evaluating employees and prospects, something I learned in one of my collegiate Psychology courses, in which I earned a B... grade, by the way). EEOC neither considered that I'd worked on the front line of this establishment as the first face that was seen and the first voice that was heard on my shift for a few years short of a decade. Certainly, this multi-billion dollar company would not have allowed just anyone to do that for the length of time that I performed my job there.
Despite the absurdity of the implications, I decided to confer with a psychologist other than the one to which my previous employer had defamed me. Our session lasted for about two hours, and at the end of the session he affirmed that he saw nothing wrong with me. His only suggestion was that I seek legal counsel.
A doctor in Memphis described me in an assessment of my psyche during a routine health evaluation as being three times saner than normal.
I also submitted several other alarming documents with my EEOC complaint demonstrating my harassment, including an essay that had been distributed to me by the company's head of security at the time. The essay, "Sippissi," is a racist allegory of how he thought the state of Mississippi was founded, and depicts Native Americans as "stick animals." The security manager distributed the document to me, and told me that he wanted me to read it because he'd heard that I was a writer. I'd presented some of my work during company book talks that I participated in, and even had some of my work cataloged and placed in the company library. I had also recently vacationed with family in Mississippi and utilized my company health insurance for treatment of a UTI (urinary tract infection) that caused me to frequently urinate or "piss," clearly the basis of the "Sippissi" slight...
Offense had been taken to a note that I'd written in my defense on a written warning that I received on 1/3/02 for not reporting to work the day after one of my vacation periods had ended. I'd actually called off work early that morning, due to inclement weather and icing over of the roads and highways between Atlanta and Mississippi, where I had been visiting with my mother, who took residence there for a short while before returning to Memphis, my native hometown. I'd also developed a severe cold for which I was taking medication that made me drowsy. I'd left a message for my supervisor, who was out herself due to the weather. I took the initiative to call back and speak to someone regarding the impracticality of my reporting that day due to the weather and my illness. The President & CEO of the company was answering the phones for the first shift concierge/receptionist, who'd also called off work due to the weather. I explained to her that I'd previously left a message on my supervisor's answering service calling off because I was six hours away, the roads were iced over, I had a severe cold (which I'm sure she could discern in speaking with me), and I was sedated with medication. Her response was that she really needed me to come in, though, as she explained, nearly the entire company had called off work that day due to the weather. She really needed me to come in, though I was six hours away, the roads were iced over, and my co-workers who'd called off that day were, on average, about twenty minutes away. Realizing that my clearly rational explanation was falling on deaf ears, I told her that I'd "try," with no intentions whatsoever of putting my life at risk in doing so.
I also pointed out in my complaint, which is as shrewdly written as a Dr. Phil PowerPoint presentation, that I was typically one of the few employees who seldom called off work for anything, not even illness or inclement weather. I routinely, year after year, drove to and from* work when the roads were iced over, and worked my and my co-workers' shifts because they were afraid to drive under those conditions (*On some occasions I was availed the privilege of residing, free of charge, in either of the company guest rooms, which are fully furnished with beds and kitchens, etc.). Nonetheless, and though I'd properly called off work, I accepted the repercussion of a 1-day suspension.
What I did not accept was their endeavor to resign me over the matter, and they did try to persuade me to resign, stating that they'd make this and another written warning that was penned the same day for past days that I'd been tardy disappear if I did so. Though I was working another full-time job and making at one point, and for a substantial length of time, about ten hours overtime per week at both companies, my intent was to resign once I'd accrued an acceptable amount in savings...
I also pointed out that the first shift receptionist at that time, who happened to be Caucasian, was about an hour to an hour and a half late everyday, per her receptionist report, and that on whatever days I was late it was only by a few minutes, and I was simultaneously working another full-time job and attending school at one point. My supervisor went on to explain that the first shift receptionist relieved a security officer. Shortly afterwards, the first shift receptionist, who'd been with the company for many years, was asked to resign, and she did, with a substantial monetary bonus I heard...
The new first shift receptionist who'd penned lies about me had been immediately pitted against me. The company's selection of her, a light skinned, curly haired African American female/minority, for the position appeared to make a statement within itself, one that was perhaps purported to both soften the company's reputation for racism, which I'd been warned of on my very first day working there (and the warnings came from both African American and Caucasian workers), and to appease those who'd taken offense to my dark skin. One day shortly after I'd become employed with the company a resident who was eventually identified as Mrs. Hix Green (of Hix Green Buick) stated in my hearing to another resident as she sat on a sofa across from my work station her dismay that my receptionist position had not been offered to a "White girl." Her words verbatim, "Any White girl would love to have that job."
This company consists or consisted of predominantly Caucasian clientele/residents and management and predominantly African American employees working in subservient capacities, i.e. waiters and waitresses, housekeeping, and maintenance. For a considerable length of time, I was the only African American employee in administration, and, per company sources, auditors had taken an issue with the racial disparities...
Though a bit alarming, that particular experience, which is not one for which I sought monetary damages,* wasn't so offensive as I considered that this lady, like other residents there, had come up during an era where those of her generation and class were frequently groomed to believe that Whites were superior to other races. I accepted that she was elderly and set in her ways, and that all I could do was tactfully correct her and/or involve management had she said or done anything out of the way directly to me, and continue treating her with kindness (*I'd primarily sought monetary damages for exactly what has happened to me since this company published lies about me to a psychiatrist who I'd never met or conferred with, the destroying of my life).
To make peace with the resident who'd made the offensive comment, I purchased her a teddy bear from a local store in Buckhead while out on my lunch break, and delivered it to her with a kind note. I received a call from her assistant moments later telling me that she'd thrown the teddy bear out into the hallway before yelling, "who brought this dam cat in here!" I teared up in laughter... :)
Mrs. Green, the same who'd wanted a "White girl" to have my job and who'd tossed out my peace-making stuffed animal I bought her, started calling me numerous times a day just to chit chat about anything, until her assistants restrained her from doing so. Apparently, at that time I was the only person she could talk to. I never stopped treating her with kindness.
There were also many residents there who were always very nice, and I'd developed very close relationships with several of them. Some of my favorites were Mrs. Grace Karandy, who became like a mother to me, and Mrs. Helen Wimberly and Mrs. Dorothy Thomas, who were devout Christian women who I enjoyed discussing the Bible with. Mrs. Thomas was somewhat of an expert on Israel and Bible prophecy, and I very much enjoyed her discussions of the subject. Mrs. Wimberly and her sister in law (her husband's sister) and Mrs. Thomas, who was a Sunday School teacher, equally enjoyed discussing the Bible with me, and made a routine of meeting with me to do so.
Mr. Wimberly (Mrs. Wimberly's husband), who was ironically a Coca-Cola executive who had no idea that I myself was a $10,000.00 Coca Cola scholar, would joke that whenever his wife was missing he knew to come looking for her wherever I was. I savored the divine providence. Mrs. Wimberly would seek me out, and we'd sit and talk for hours. She impressed me as an angel in disguise who'd been sent to minister to me, and she was always eager to hear anything I had to say. Mrs. Wimberly's presence and the presence of other residents and staff there who never wavered in kindness really helped me to cope with the horrible things that I'd come to experience.
My initial supervisor, who was also the comptroller, discussed racism at the community as desirable by residents, though, clearly, not by all; he added, nonetheless, that it would "not change." I was and am of the position that, while residents and staff were/are entitled to their ideals, it is the duty of management to maintain ethical standards and company practices.
The company resorted to holding my life and/or the lives of my close family members over my head if I completed and submitted my legitimate/truthful complaint of harassment. This certainly transgressed parameters of professionalism. Yes, the company President and CEO demanded that I take three (3) days off work to complete my complaint, though she was not really interested in receiving it, and, clearly, imposed the off days as an implicit threat. My pay check stub lists an "OtherMisc/Bereavement" category for the three days that I'd been required to take off and complete my complaint, and this and several other check stubs listed a "state unemployment tax" category, though state unemployment taxes* are paid by employers and are not deducted from employees' pay and are only paid to employees once they've parted ways with their employers.
Notwithstanding, though Lenbrook was being facetious by listing a state unemployment tax category on employees' pay stubs, it made me think what if employees paid unemployment taxes. I reasoned that it could privy employees to guaranteed and/or incremental payments during periods of unemployment. Click here to read my idea.
EEOC's possession of these and other documents and their failure to provide information that they acquired and that I'd never seen before from my previous employer of subject, before dismissing my case (though giving me the "right to sue"), was not only improper, it demonstrates that EEOC is being utilized to weaken viable claims of racial and other forms of discrimination because it is designed to protect listed categories of individuals from those things. This blog is, to a vast extent, designed to address and propose solutions to employee grievance/complaint processes, and those in EEOC and the courts that have permitted companies to harass, discriminate/retaliate against and destroy the lives of innocent and even exceptional employees, without consequence.
The King Center Becomes an Item in my Case
As one of my previous employers, the Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Non-violent Social Change (where I'd been employed via an Atlanta staffing agency as a part-time archival assistant while employed full-time at Lenbrook), became an item in my case against Lenbrook. I'd been required during pretrial proceedings to disclose or list the names of all of my employers (previous and current). After receiving a call from the human resources manager at my then current place of employment (the Atlanta Job Corps), regarding the subpoena they'd received about my case against Lenbrook and explaining what was going on, I decided to call my previous employers to explain. When I contacted the King Center, they informed me that they too had received a subpoena. Click here to view a copy of it. I explained to them and to Martin Luther King III during a call that I made to Mrs. Coretta Scott King's home that I was involved in litigation with a previous employer and that it was standard procedure during employment litigation for a party employee's employment files to be subpoenaed, and that the case did not involve the King Center.
The King Center refused or did not provide Lenbrook's attorney tangible information about my employment there or reasons for my separation. In fact, after Ruth Woodling's contact with the King Center, she suddenly started treating me with civility, despite a letter she'd mail me demanding that I provide information and synonymous documents of pertinence specifically to my King Center employment and separation. I provided a copy of a letter that I'd penned to Dexter Scott King* and gave to one of his assistants to give to him criticizing him for allowing the King Center's chief financial officer at that time to bully King Center staff, after reporting to work there one day to find my supervisor (Cynthia Lewis) preparing to vacate her office and close the King Library and Archives, our department. I was upset because Cynthia is a soft-hearted and very kind person who'd become like family to me. She had spent much of her own money for supplies that we needed in the department and repeatedly delayed (against her doctor's instruction) having surgery to remove large tumors from her abdomen that made her look as though she was expecting. My actions saved the department, Cynthia's job, and the job of the other archival assistant, Elaine Hall. The King Center's CFO called to cancel my temp assignment, however. Judge Janet King quickly placed the letter under seal at the court and Lenbrook offered to settle the case.
*Dexter happened to be in Memphis when the chief financial officer made the move to close our department. I'm certain that he was very surprised by my letter, especially when I revealed that I was the admirer who'd been buying and sending him anonymous gifts and poetry. I’d developed an innocent crush on Dexter during my employment and encounters with him at the King Center, and would write what amounted to a 100+ page book of poetry to and about him that I titled "Beautiful Dexter."
I no longer felt that way about Dexter at the time of my case, though I initially thought that Lenbrook's counsel would attempt to use it against me. To reiterate or further demonstrate my sanity and competence, I filed a packet of business proposals that I'd penned for the King Center and given to Reverend Bernice King during her employment at New Birth. Notably, the King Center has implemented several of my suggestions, including scanning and digitizing the King papers, etc. My King Center business proposals apparently excited a lot of people who apparently sought to fund implementation of at least some of my ideas for the company with a portion of my settlement money.
King Center staff, including my supervisor and chief archivist of the King Library & Archives, Cynthia Lewis, and King Center Security (Officer Angelo Brown, Sr., who was like a play brother to me) were aware of my Dexter crush. They even encouraged it. They thought I might be good for Dexter...
Once when I informed Angelo that I was the sender of a parcel that was addressed to Dexter that they had concerns for, he radioed down to security from the archives during one of his visits to chit chat with us and told them that the package was all good. I think they told Dexter about my crush because he started calling and holding warm and extended conversations with me while I was working in the archives. I was employed at the King Center a substantial amount of time after this...
I believe that Mrs. Coretta Scott King was aware of my Dexter crush because of Cynthia nudging me to call and talk to her and because of the manner in which Mrs. King spoke to me. During one of our conversations, she told me that she meant to tell me that she was attending an event with Kim Fields that she presumably wanted me to attend with her.
I periodically visited Cynthia at her home that was located near Greenbriar Mall before it burned down. She'd have me driving her around in her Lincoln town car. She and my former co-worker in the King Library and Archives, Elaine Hall, were more like family to me than the Kings, and they have more power where I'm concerned than anyone else at or surrounding the King Center and legacy. I additionally visited Elaine at her home on weekends and she cooked for me. Elaine, her husband, Leo, a few of their friends, and I got together and laid out plans to start a business. I named it Creative Minds Inc., a name that was inexistent at the time (I Googled it prior to deciding on the name). My vision was to create motivational lithographs that are similar to those of Successories, only we would utilize very impactful phrases that they were not using, some of our own and some of other individuals (after properly acquiring rights or permission and working out what we'd pay for use of words from external sources). I had several ideas for lithographs utilizing Dr. King's words. For example, I wanted to create a lithograph of his staircase mantra, "Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase." I wanted to utilize imagery of a staircase in the background of the words. I wanted to create hundreds, perhaps thousands, or more lithographs of this sort that we would market online and via our own tangible company store and/or the King Center's gift shop. I actually wanted the King Center to create a team or department at the King Center that would do this. They could have and can create a mega fortune doing this. I became frustrated when my hopeful business partners could not precisely grasp what I was envisioning. I wanted to create products of the same quality of Successories. At the time we did not have the monetary resources to pull this off. We eventually dismantled, though Elaine and I continued our sisterhood. She became an independent consultant for Partylite, and I attended her in-home parties where she showcased her beautiful candles.
...I believe that Dexter possibly pulled strings to help me get my Westview Drive apartment in Atlanta that is owned by Julian Bond's family. Specifically, I believe that he might have nudged my then fellow Ebenezer Church member, Letha Beasley, who was residing in the complex, to put in a good word for me.
Thanks to my connections, I’d apparently gotten the apartment over candidates with more work history and established credit. I was newly employed at my first full-time job and this was the first time that I’d independently rented an apartment in my name and that I’d began financing purchases, like furniture, my first vehicle, etc.
It was Letha who'd eventually tell me that, per some guy named "Lloyd," Dexter had developed an emotional attachment to me; prior to this, I only suspected it. Per Letha and Lloyd, Dexter was "messed up" after I left the King Center when he realized that I was the person who'd been sending him anonymous poetry and gifts. She asked me, "What did you say to him?"
I showed her the book of poetry, "Beautiful Dexter," that I'd written and given to him in whole and in individual letters on varied occasions.
I wondered if Dexter's legal battle with his siblings over Dr. King's love letters to Coretta had been inspired by the poetry I'd written to him. The book of poetry that I wrote to Dexter is probably worth a lot of money. Back in the day, I'd hoped to publish and give copies of it to guests at our wedding. Though I have no interest whatsoever in marrying Dexter today, some day I might publish Beautiful Dexter within a book of love poetry that I've written to varied love interests and now ex beaus of mine over the years.
Letha, who groomed me on things like physical fitness, health generally, and hair care,* had a crush on Atlanta attorney/educator, Herbert Adams, who'd been like a son to my play mom, the late Mrs. Lornell McCullough. Mrs. McCullough was Ebenezer's first female minister and she lead the Pearl Reese Bible class, of which I was a member.
*Letha persuaded me to regularly purchase and use Marlyn Formula 50 vitamins for hair and nails and Optivite for general health, which are both excellent products.
I'd quickly gotten another job opening and closing the shoe department at SteinMart on Roswell Rd. in Atlanta because of the good job reference that I'd received from the King Library and Archives. Click here to view a personnel reference verification worksheet completed by the Atlanta Job Corps Center/Management & Training Corporation exhibiting the King Center's statements about me...
A very surprising thing occurred one day while I was working at Stein Mart. I looked up and saw Mrs. Christine King Farris (Dr. King's sister) and her daughter, Angela, approaching the shoe department. I reasoned that it was probably just a coincidence, that they probably just shopped at that particular SteinMart anyway.
When Mrs. Farris walked up to me and spoke and started showing me pictures of her granddaughter, however, I believe that it was her way of saying sorry for what had happened at the King Center. It appears that I became an emotional ordeal for the King family once they learned the amusing circumstances surrounding my life that I would subsequently discuss in an article on my Education, Business, and Social Innovation blog...
...While I cannot discuss specific details of the settlement offer due to a confidentiality agreement that I signed, I’ll say that I was asked if I’d like to donate a sum of the offered settlement to a “cause” that I supported. Clearly, the cause inferred was the King Center.
To make a long story short I didn’t agree to the settlement. I decided that I’d collect whatever money was due to me and distribute any portion to any causes I supported myself, if I decided to give anything at all. I also felt that it was inappropriate to be asked to donate money to any “causes,” considering everything that I and my then young son had experienced relational to malicious acts of now former Lenbrook managers…
My position was that it was enough that I had penned more than a hundred pages of business proposals for the King Center without charging them anything for it. I’d also volunteered for them for a significant length of time before being added to their payroll, of which I was no longer a part during that time. Further considering the odds of my getting another job in light of Lenbrook’s/their attorney’s reprisals, I thought it wise to hold on to every cent that I could get.
The company also wanted to settle for significantly less than the $10 million I was suing them for, a sum that was not at all far fetched, considering that this company had not only serially harassed and abused me over the years; their slandering me to a psychiatrist I’d never conferred with and acquiring and publishing a defamatory report about me was something that would destroy my life and/or perhaps permanently hamper my ability to ever acquire sufficient employment again...
I'd been surveilled, both on and off Lenbrook's premises for several years, commencing from January of 1997, after documenting an incident in my receptionist's report where a resident had pitched a fit after her personal assistant, who happened to be African American, had been asked to leave the facility's dining room, where she was left to dine alone. She made the excellent point that she paid to live there just like everyone else and had the right to bring whomever she wanted to dinner; and, since her assistant couldn't stay in the dining room, she didn't either. I was really disturbed by the incident, and less because the assistant or sitter was African American than the fact that this lady depended upon her assistant for companionship. Many if not most of the residents did. Unsurprisingly, Caucasian sitters/assistants were permitted to stay with their clients in the dining room. It was like something from the Twilight Zone, like having the clock reversed by many years and experiencing something that I'd been impressed to believe for most of my life only happened in the past.
...Shortly after submitting my report (to administration), in which I expressed agreement with the resident, company management became blatantly hostile towards me, and enlisted their contracted security officers to delve into my personal life by asking me a routine series of questions that ranged from where I lived to which restaurants and other localities I frequently visited. I told them what I wanted them to know, and none of what I didn't. It took me a while, but not that long, to realize that I was actually being investigated. It was as if each of the several officers, who'd frequently switch shifts and/or work days, had been programmed to ask me the same or similar questions. And during those conversations, of course, I was also collecting information about them...
It really alarmed me when I peeped out of the window of my apartment in West End (Atlanta) one day to find one of the officers lurking nearby. I decided to question him about it when I subsequently reported to work, emphasizing that this company is in Buckhead, Georgia and I lived in West End. The officer would inform me that he'd suddenly taken a job moonlighting at Spelman College, the back gate of which was directly across from my apartment at the time, which stood and stands in juxtaposition to Morehouse College on Westview Drive...
This same officer was suddenly hired at the Atlanta Job Corps Center, where I continued to work, around the precise time that I was terminated from Lenbrook. He was immediately escorted to my work station to ask me a series of questions, clearly in an endeavor to determine what, if any actions, I'd be taking on the issues...
The fact that this officer so swiftly acquired employment with Job Corps, in light of their thorough candidate investigation process, corroborated my belief that there was much more to the contract security company that he was employed for and other contract security companies that had been hired by our previous mutual employer.
In fact, I'd been specifically told that they'd been hired to investigate me because I'm "too opinionated" and "too intelligent to be a Black woman." I suspected that individuals who were shadowing and harassing me beyond the context of employment were also employed for the same and other similar agencies, including local military, a notion that was not far-fetched, considering that Lenbrook's former administrator, Mr. Gordon Duquemin, had once been a renown army general...
It was frequently implied that the Lenbrook ordeal lead to or contributed to the September 11, 2001 attacks. Whenever I discussed experiences that I was having relational to the Lenbrook ordeal, like being surveilled, I was routinely asked if I'd seen the movie Fahrenheit 911. My antennas perked after receiving that question a number of times, and I seriously wondered if my experience with Lenbrook did in fact lead to or contribute to 911 and subsequently the Iraq War...
During one of my English classes at Georgia State University when we were reviewing Harriet Beecher Stowe's "Uncle Tom's Cabin," after the professor referenced a quote, "Oh this is the little lady who started the war" (speaking of the noted author), one of my classmates* tapped me on the shoulder and offered me a Sharpie highlighter.
*This particular classmate, a heavy-set African American lady who frequently gravitated to me, informed me that she is a Georgia lawmaker, and apparently thought I should become one.
I believe that a letter of support that I penned and sent to then president, Bill Clinton, during the Monica Lewinsky scandal heighened scrutiny of me. I was not condoning Mr. Clinton's actions where Ms. Lewinsky was concerned, I was simply stating that he should not be down on himself for making a mistake and that he should continue to focus on his work of improving the country.
Mr. Clinton responded to my letter, which I sent to the White House on an oversized postercard that I created out of a large, sturdy posterboard. I'm certain it got a lot of attention in Washington. I shared the letter I received from Mr. Clinton with my political science professor, and he read it to the class. Click here to read the letter.
I was disappointed when I learned that Mr. Clinton had appointed Judge Clarence Cooper, who presided over and alarmingly dismissed both my lawsuit against Lenbrook and Chick-fil-A, to the court (I'd submitted very strong evidence to support my claims). For this reason, I decided not to vote at all when Hillary Clinton ran for president.
I believe that my history with the King family was another reason I was being surveilled. We were always warned to be careful of what we discussed over the King Center's phones.
I believe that the same individuals were also involved in having me evicted from my apartment of roughly a decade not long after I'd been deposed and rendered contact information for my apartment property manager. One of the reasons I say this is because the lady who'd moved downstairs from me just prior to my eviction was a military servicewoman who flaunted her army attire, and when I wasn't able to move all of my things by the date demanded in my eviction notice, she'd beat in the ceiling of her apartment/ beneath the floor of mine when I was completely quiet and resting, after having done as much as I practically could in that given day.
I'd expressed concerns with the double cylinder locks being removed from the doors of my apartment and replaced with all hand-turning locks. My response had been calculated, I'm sure, and became the reason that I was asked to move. It is also notable that Ruth Woodling, the attorney who represented Lenbrook, apparently left the firm that she was employed with in 2007, the year that I moved...
No Help from the Atlanta Housing Authority
I resorted to the Atlanta Housing Authority to keep a roof over my and my son’s head in light of what had just happened, and suddenly the law changed to require that participants be employed and work for at least 30 hours per week, which I absolutely had no problem with, though it should stand to reason that if an individual is employed and regularly working at least 30 hours per week, they can acquire housing through normal means. The problem was never that I lacked a work ethic. I’d submitted numerous job applications. The problem was that I couldn’t get a job, despite my numerous applications.
The Unlikely Sources that Put on for the Cities of Atlanta and Memphis
Activities in Atlanta and Memphis surrounding me could be equated with a circus sideshow, and apparently involve(d) the local city governments. I’d frequently see Georgia Power vehicles in Atlanta and Memphis Light, Gas, and Water (MLGW) vehicles in Memphis, and fire trucks bearing the numbers 8 or 16 (my size at that time) within vicinity of localities I routinely visited, like where I’d park my car to sleep during my latter days in Atlanta... Ice cream trucks with “Dare to Dream” and “Stop for Children” signs and vehicles from the local news media, which I’d informed of my dilemma, would too frequently encircle or drive by areas where I'd park. Activities of the sort paralleled those occurring on my jobs where my employment was being held over my head in relation to the litigation with which I was involved and surrounding my weight. The notion of public officials becoming involved in employment litigation is not far fetched, per employment attorney, Jeffrey Bernbach, who authored the book, "Job Discrimination, II: How to Fight, How to Win. Typically, however, those officials come to the rescue of an aggrieved employee rather than the corporate bullies.
Job Corps
After winning my $10,000 Coca-Cola Enterprises scholarship my senior year at and just prior to graduating from Northside High School in Memphis for an essay that I'd written, I'd decided to enroll in Job Corps at their Atlanta Center. From there, I'd explore my options of Historically Black Colleges where I could utilize my scholarship, which required me to attend an HBCU. I'd gravitated to Atlanta for knowledge of the conglomeration there. It also amused me that my scholarship and correspondence regarding it actually came from Coca Cola Enterprises in Atlanta. Atlanta was also a popular city that I'd heard a lot about and wanted to explore.
After acquiring my Business Clerical diploma about seven months into the program, I decided to return to Memphis, however. After a few months back in Memphis, I decided to re-enroll in the Atlanta Job Corps as an Advanced Career Training (ACT) participant. I'd matriculate into Atlanta Metropolitan College (an HBCU) and quickly became a highly celebrated Job Corps honor student* after making the dean's list and for my writing (*Those honors included my receipt of the Center Director's Award for Excellence)...
I became a frequent show-off to corporate executives/representatives before and after landing national attention for appearing in a McNeely Pigott &Fox article and a Job Corps commercial. I’d later work at the Atlanta Job Corps as a Residential Advisor for roughly seven years before resigning, primarily due to my desire for a career change and better pay. I'd enrolled, was accepted into, and started attending Georgia State University. My subjection to staunch harassment relational to the very merited lawsuit that I’d filed against Lenbrook for defaming me to the psychiatrist I'd never met or conferred with also played a significant role in my resignation.
Being suddenly mistreated by people who'd been my mentors, individuals I'd looked up to and who had only sang my praises, prior to contact with now former Lenbrook management and their lawyers, was the most hurtful aspect of the entire ordeal that I'd face.
One of the most embarrassing scenarios was sitting in on an all-staff assembly that focused on "mental health," which was striking, primarily, because it was something that had never been done before, or something that I had never seen during either my employment or studentship in the program; and, of course, it was quite alarming considering what had just transpired with Lenbrook.
Other staff knew what was going on, and at the end of the assembly one of the instructors whom I'd known for many years, since my own studentship in the program, walked over to me and said, "Keep your head up."
Yes, Job Corps has counselors to which all students are assigned. Those counselors assist students with staying on course in the program, and they are there to help students with any challenges that they might be facing, but the nature of this assembly was, again, something that I'd never seen before.
There was some apparent intervention, as another all-staff assembly would be called addressing the issue of "workplace harassment." Although the presentation was very resourceful, it didn't help one bit, and harassment that I'd been experiencing would resume the very same day.
Seminars addressing workplace harassment should be a required component of employee training for all companies, however, and appropriate actions should be actually taken to correct inappropriate behaviors...
Regardless of noted experiences, my MTC/Atlanta Job Corps employee performance appraisals were always objective and fair, and I always made the grade. Click here to view them.
Other examples of inappropriate activity included things like managers enlisting students to hide in dorm rooms that they'd inform us were vacant, for the apparent purpose of compelling flaws in our accountability reports, etc. I'd already gotten into the habit of checking all dorm rooms due to shadiness of this sort, and on this particular occasion I found a student who resided on another floor in a room directly across from our office. When I asked the student what she was doing in the room she stated that the manager who had just drilled us the night before about the importance of accurate accountability told her to go into the room. After I made mention in our morning meeting of finding the student in the unassigned room, and what she'd told me, the manager who'd instructed the student to enter the unassigned room was abruptly fired. Nonetheless, activities of this sort, which appeared to be designed to contrive grounds for terminating my employment in light of the lawsuit I was involved in, continued...
On another occasion, we were required to, in addition to our regular duties, wash about 100 comforters, which was typically done by either students themselves (the majority of whom were out on holiday vacation at that time) and/or second shift staff. The lady I was assigned to work with had health problems that prevented her from being able to participate, so I washed, dried, and folded most of the comforters by myself, and completed my usual work, and after working all day at my other full-time job, Lenbrook. It was not uncommon for third shift to resume some of the duties of previous shifts, and most of us did not have a problem with it. We did have a problem with being overloaded with work, however.
I'd began my search for another job way before resigning from Job Corps, and continued afterwards. I eventually landed a part-time job at Chick-fil-A in the CNN Center, where I earned* a total of about $3,000 for the few months I was employed there, a major fall from the more than $40,000 per year I once earned while working full-time at Job Corps, where I was earning $12.03 per hour and full-time at Lenbrook, where I earned $11.00 per hour, and while, again, making considerable overtime at both jobs. I worked both jobs simultaneously for about four years, and spent about seven years at Lenbrook and eventually about seven years at Job Corps. The reason I wanted to continue my education was so that I wouldn't have to work two full-time jobs and make overtime at both to earn decent wages.
*I also earned about $3,000 as an Event Staff Services employee at the Georgia World Congress Center, the only other job I'd acquire before having to relocate to Memphis.
I was living with one of my play moms in Conley, Georgia during the initial days of my employment with Chick-fil-A; and I'd taken my then seven-year-old son with me on the job interview. I really didn't think that I'd get the job because of this. On this particular day my play mom, who was also employed at the time, couldn't watch my son, and I thought it very noble that I was hired, despite bringing my son with me on the interview...
I'd gravitated to Chick-fil-A after watching an interview of founder, S. Truett Cathy, on the Trinity Broadcasting Network. He seemed like an exemplary person, and I was very impressed that Chick-fil-A closed on Sundays out of respect for the Lord [though the Sabbath or seventh day of the week is actually Saturday, not Sunday, which is the first day of the week]...
Not long after I was employed at Chick-fil-A I'd too become subject to harassment there, however. And, of course, I was nearly as disappointed as I was with the harassment that occurred at Job Corps. The harassment at Chick-fil-A was similar to the harassment that I'd began to experience at Job Corps and that I'd experienced at Lenbrook. In fact, it was so similar that it was very apparent that inappropriate communications had occurred amongst all of these companies regarding me...I would also discover that the racial climate at Chick-fil-A was similar to that of Lenbrook. I was shocked!!!
I was primarily harassed about my weight and dark skin tone. Just as Lenbrook administrators endeavored to pit me against the new bi-racial first shift receptionist, Chick-fil-A endeavored to pit me against one of my light skinned African American female co-workers who was thinner and/or implicitly better built than I was.
I essentially ignored their gestures. It helped that the lady who Chick-fil-A endeavored to pit me against was very nice. I only raised a concern when they took one of the few work days that I had and gave it to her (one of several of their methods of endeavoring to pit me against this particular employee), and after I'd requested more work hours so that I could put a roof back over my and my son’s head (my daughter hadn’t been born at that time)...
The branch manager/owner would express *psuedo concern by offering and arranging to see if I could acquire additional work hours at another Chick-fil-A location (*I say pseudo concern because my request for an increase in work hours at the CNN location could have been accommodated because employees who'd been employed after me were granted additional work days).
I kept the appointment to meet with managers at the other Chick-fil-A location, which was also in downtown Atlanta, however, and quickly declined the offer after seeing that the climate at that particular location was just as hostile as it had been at the CNN location, though there were some pleasant employees at both locations.
I'm not certain what the motive for endeavoring to split my work time between the two Chick-fil-A locations was, but it appeared to be sinister, and instead of agreeing to work between the two locations, I stepped up my search for another full-time job.
I’d also explained to the branch manager or franchise owner, as he’d later be identified, that the free meals that we were privileged to as employees were frequently all I could afford to eat. The fact that my work hours were reduced after I explained this further demonstrates how horribly cruel this employer was and that the harassment was relational to my weight, though I never worked less than four hours on any day that I worked there so as to disqualify me for a meal break and complimentary employee meals...
By this time I had already lost a significant amount of weight, attributable to my employers’ abuse. I’d gone from a size 16 to wearing some size 8s (about the size I was when I first arrived in Atlanta) since being harassed from my jobs and losing so much of my income without a steady system of support. My contenders were apparently reasoning that I’d more rapidly lose the remnant of the weight I had to lose if I ate even less than the very little food that I was already eating at that point...
One day while I was on a routine break at Chick-fil-A CNN, I was approached by a manager who'd been transferred in from another location. He just walked up to me and asked me to clock out and go home. He stated that I was not entitled to a break or free food privileges because I wasn't scheduled to work enough hours that day, and, because I didn't have permission to take a break, none of which was true. On that particular day I was scheduled to work four hours; and, per Chick-fil-A policy, employees scheduled to work four hours or more are or were privileged to a meal break and free food. Click here to view Chick-fil-A's policy regarding this.
I not only lost weight in a very unhealthy way, I became malnourished from going so long without food. I began to feel faint from not eating juxtapose working so much, with a majority of what I earned going towards paying bills I owed, including storage fees on my furniture that I'd work so hard to pay for, yet all of which I'd eventually lose.
The abuse that I suffered at Chick-fil-A CNN was so intense that one of the African American male managers who'd witnessed and participated* in the scandal literally came to tears, holding his head in both of his hands... Again, if I wasn't experiencing the abuse myself, I simply would not have believed it.
*On one occasion the crying manager had driven to a park in West End Atlanta where I'd park my car to rest occasionally after school and work; this was down the street from the house where I'd eventually live with my daughter's dad. He (the subsequently crying manager) pulled up next to me backwards, which was clearly a gesture for me to leave...
I would resort to soup kitchens at local Atlanta churches that disbursed groceries on specific days; and subsequently to food stamps. I never imagined in any of my wildest dreams that I'd have to do either in my adult life, though I had experienced extreme poverty as a child. I was in a state of shock and profound embarrassment, to say the least.
Both of my local play moms, who would have fed and housed me, though they could do very little else due to their own financial challenges, lived in suburban Atlanta, one in Conley, Georgia and the other in College Park, and I could no longer afford to drive back and forth between their homes and the part-time jobs I’d managed to acquire and pay the monthly storage fees for my furniture. This is the reason I decided to park near the companies where I worked and sleep in my car, in prayer that these particular companies would increase my work hours, as I’d requested, and/or that I would acquire another full-time job out of the MANY that I’d applied for. I never got another full-time job, and, though I knew and still know many people within the city of Atlanta and metropolitan Atlanta, I just didn’t want to bother them with my problems.
There was a lot of hoopla about homeless people in the CNN Center during the time that I worked there. One day a homeless man ran past Chick-fil-A, and a police officer ran behind him. The homeless man pushed the officer, right in front of Chick-fil-A. The officer fell, and the back of his head hit the floor. At that instant, blood began to gush from his head as if it were coming from a water fountain. I instantly grabbed several thick napkins and ran to the officer, a Caucasian fellow whose name was David Chance, according to his badge, and placed the napkins where he was bleeding from. I held the napkins and applied gentle pressure to the back of his head until help arrived. While holding his head in my lap, I'd whispered a prayer for this officer's life to be saved and for the wiles of Satan to be harnessed...
...Despite everything I was experiencing, I never did anything to compromise my integrity and good name. I never developed ill feelings towards all Caucasian people. I never went over the deep end. I never lost my mind, I never resorted to controlled substances of any sort. I was and am exceptionally sober and fully capable of intelligibly articulating everything that I was experiencing.
Not long after United States District Judge Clarence Cooper (who’d also dismissed my case against Lenbrook) dismissed my case against Chick-fil-A, the King Center was honoring Chick-fil-A's founder, Mr. Truett Cathey (and Hillary Clinton, among others); this was circa January of 2009, while I was still sleeping in my car in frigid weather, about eight months pregnant with my now nine-year-old daughter, and essentially penniless, though attending and even preparing to graduate from Georgia State University, which I'd attended for the two years I lived in my car.
Judge Cooper's ruling on my cases has subjected me and both of my children to overt discrimination and harassment, despite my fighting hard to re-build what has been destroyed of my life.
It is notable, however, that shortly after Judge Cooper dismissed my case against Chick-fil-A, he was "promoted" to "senior status" (semi-retirement) or he vacated his seat on February 9, 2009. just eleven days prior to the birth of my daughter, while I was still homeless due to reprisals that prevented me from acquiring employment, clearly relational to the litigation with which I had been involved and the reasons for it...
Desperate for full-time employment, I decided to and paid to run a "Been Verified" background check on myself in mid-2014 in an endeavor to discern why I was not acquiring either of the many full-time jobs I'd applied for.
The report produced no results, which I expected, because I do not have a criminal background. I additionally paid for Shelby and Fulton County court runners. Neither revealed results.
...Those contending with me managed to successfully drive a wedge between me and my daughter's father, with whom I'd lived for a while and was planning marriage. Specifically, he was being blackballed in the same manner that I was, because of me. I could feel his disappointment in the pit of my stomach when the same construction company for which he'd regularly worked via General Personnel Consultants (Atlanta), where we'd met and worked together at other companies like the Georgia Dome and World Congress Center, suddenly informed him that they would no longer need him, shortly after his becoming involved with me. I was acquainted with my daughter's dad before we actually became involved, and I could/can attest to the fact that he regularly went to work each morning, on most mornings when the agency had no work for me, or so they alleged. He would also be arrested on varied brow-raising charges during our relationship. I'd previously dated another guy I met and worked with at the same company who I'd broken up with due to his belligerent behavior, attributable to heavy drinking and perhaps other controlled substances, that would eventually land him behind bars for merited reasons.
Being with my daughter's dad was like a calm after a HORRIBLE storm; he did not drink or do any other controlled substances of which I was aware. He was routinely rational and mild-tempered. We'd really developed a friendship before becoming romantically involved. I could hold intelligent conversations with him. Best of all, he was/is a Christian, and we attended church together. In fact, he was the only person who could get me back into church after I learned that specific individuals at churches I'd previously attended and African American and other leaders who I'd once worked for and with and thought so much of were apparently involved in attacking me over money that I stood to gain from the VERY MERITED lawsuits that I'd filed and over my intellectual properties, some of which are the basis for this and my WordPress blog.
Though I never lost my faith in Christ and The Creator of the Universe, I was thoroughly disgusted by the behavior of people I'd dealt with. Again, if I wasn't witnessing it with my own two eyes, I would have never believed it. My daughter's dad, who is actually two years younger than me and resembles a younger version of R & B recording artist Keith Sweat, would always say, "You have to forgive those people," whenever I lamented to him about what had happened and what continued happening to me...
I needed to hear those things; and I listened, though it was and is very difficult to forgive the horrific things that I experienced. My daughter's dad and I became very close. We went everywhere and did everything together. We were happy. Juxtapose marriage, we'd discuss our plans of getting our lives together, getting good, stable jobs, and a better home than the one we shared on Tift Street, which was a few streets over from General Personnel Consultants (The Right Hand Man) in Atlanta...
The attacks on him (my daughter's dad) because of our involvement took a total, I'm certain. That and my nagging him about the ordeal as a whole became too much for him to deal with. He started staying out late and sometimes he didn't come home at all. On July 4, 2008, while he was out with acquaintances, I left for work and never returned to our shared residence. I discovered shortly afterwards that I was pregnant. I'd eventually contact his sister to inform her. Though she reconnected us, we never got back together as a couple. He'd routinely call to talk to our daughter, Ebony, who adores him, and Ebony and I regularly communicated with his sister until she was murdered by her boyfriend.
My Intellectual Properties Became a Criminal Motive for Attacks on Me
During the course of my placement under a microscope relational to my cases, the attorneys could not find any dirt on me. They did discover, however, that I’m a rather adroit and prolific innovator, and that I’d written a lot of material (in and out of the collegiate setting) that could solve a lot of tough problems, particularly in the arena of education. I share those ideas, which are quite valuable, I'm certain, on this and my blog at yolandamichellemartin.wordpress.com. It is notable that Shelby County Schools was acknowledged for leading the nation in academic growth and that Tennessee governor Bill Haslam became the richest politician in the country shortly after I became employed with Shelby County Schools as a substitute paraprofessional and started sharing my ideas for improving education and specific teaching techniques amongst the teachers and administrators in the more than fifty schools where I worked and via my WordPress blog. My writings appear to have heightened attacks on me; apparently, my ideas are loved so much that they have nearly costed me my life. They are the apparent reason that such an issue has been made of my weight, while other employees who were significantly obese and much heavier than me in some instances worked without subjection to the manner of abuse that I have experienced.
...Chick-fil-A's attorney, Stephen Camp (of Trammel, Camp LLC previously), had ran for the U.S. House of Representatives in Georgia's 3rd congressional district in latter April of 2008. Click here to read more about this. I wondered if Mr. Camp's interest in politics had been inspired by my intellectual properties, specifically those pertaining to resolving hot button politial issues. Amusingly, per his LinkedIn profile, during his employment with Trammel, Camp LLC, he, among other things, represented clients in "suits involving breaches of trade secrets." Imagine a politician running for office so that he could implement the ideas of the extremely intelligent indigent woman who he and others were endeavoring to drive to destitution. It was simply too hot, and very likely the reason why he didn’t win. Though he questionably won the case that I filed against Chick-fil-A, thankfully, he did not win the seat he ran for... How hypocritical it would be if the company and its counsel who slandered/falsely accused me of stealing food that its policy privileged all of its employees scheduled to work four or more hours to is involved in stealing and profiting from my intellectual properties and/or helping others in this capacity.
I had informed both Judge Cooper and magistrate Judge Janet F. King, who presided over the pre-trial proceedings of my cases, of the reprisals that I was experiencing relational to the Lenbrook and Chick-fil-A cases that had led to my homelessness, etc. I mentioned it in my court briefs, and I called and left messages on both of their office phones. I received a return call, but not from either judge expressing concern for my safety...
The call came from the sheriff’s office to inform me essentially that I was being a nuisance in calling specifically Judge Janet King to inform her that I had been forced into the streets and much worse surrounding the lawsuits that I'd filed, for, again, very merited reasons.
Harassment about Dexter Scott King...
I was frequently harassed about Dexter King, primarily about my weight gain, when I was employed at the Atlanta Job Corps. I was frequently compared to the Latina (Cuban) woman he was dating at the time, and though I had no interests in Dexter by then. I recall that a Latina or bi-racial young woman (student) who was referred to as a queen was placed in my old room (#517) in the honors dormitory during my employment as a Residential Advisor at the AJCC. The implication there was or appeared to be that she or the woman she apparently represented was taking my place not only where Dexter was concerned, but where my own personal goals and aspirations that had nothing to do with Dexter or the Kings or King Center, period, were concerned. I ignored this and many other similar gestures that I deemed immature and off key. Whatever woman Dexter had selected as a mate could only offer him what she had to bring to the table and nothing of mine with the exception of what I'd specifically given them or the King Center and King children generally... The King children inherited the works or rights to the works of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. With the exception of the King Center proposals that I wrote and gave to the Kings, Ebony Jewelle Martin and Justice M. Adams, my provable/biological children, are inheriting the rights to the works of Yolanda Michelle Martin (me). That is my decision to make... This means that I'll staunchly defend/protect Ebony and Justice from attacks by any member of the King family or anyone else. The King children can NOT prove that I'm their father returned from the grave, and if they could, they are each old enough to be my parents, and I am NOT obligated to them in any way. I would advise those who are interested in my work to be kind to my children, Justice and Ebony. I would additionally provide relief to my daughter's dad, Neloso Frazier, because of the things he has suffered by having a relationship with me and our daughter. I would see to it that he always has a decent place to live and other resources that he needs, resources that he has been maliciously deprived of. Neloso is the only person in Atlanta who has any rights where I and my children are concerned.
I am smart enough to know that I and my biological children retain the lawful rights to my work, and that whatever anyone has given Dexter/his wife or the Kings generally or anyone else has NOTHING to do with my work. In other words, if they or anyone period have been or are being paid for my work, they have been/are being paid for nothing.
My ignoring Dexter appears to exacerbate attacks on me. Other men I've dated or in whom I'd taken interest have been targeted as well. My experiences are indeed comparable to Martin's experiences in A Thin Line Between Love and Hate,* which is amusing because Brandy resided in Malibu, California, where Dexter once resided. It is amusing further that Brandy snapped after Martin missed her private birthday dinner in light of Dr. King's birthday being a national holiday.
*I have wondered if the creators of this movie were aware of and inspired by my experiences with Dexter.
I was being compared to Princess Diana and men I dated were apparently being compared to Dodi, though I never actually got involved with Dexter. I and the targeted men I've dated and those in whom I've taken interest otherwise have found this very frightening.
One of the most alarming scenarios occurred shortly after I resorted to residing in the Salvation Army after being wrongfully evicted from my Atlanta apartment, which was implicitly because of Dexter's romance with the noted or perhaps another woman, and, presumably, because he'd helped me to acquire the apartment.
On the evening that I returned from working the part-time job that I had at Chick-fil-A CNN, the receptionist at the front desk told me that I should go and sit in on a church service that was occurring in a room that was pointed out to me. I immediately recognized a tall, fair skinned lady with short, gold tinted hair who was employed at the Department of Human Services and who I'd seen on varied occasions during visits I'd made there to apply for and acquire public assistance because of the ordeal I was facing. This lady was there singing with her church choir. After they finished singing, she gave a testimony of how the Lord had delivered her from bitterness and wanting to kill her ex-husband because he'd taken things from her and made a life with another woman.
First of all, I've never been married to Dexter, and I did not want to kill him; I did and do want the harassment to stop, however.
Within a few days of my moving into the Salvation Army, Dexter's sister, Yolanda King, died mysteriously, which helps to corroborate my assertions that attempts are being made on my life over the Kings and specifically Dexter's love life. Another thing that occurred during my residence at the Salvation Army* was that I was placed in a bunk next to a woman who'd seemingly been brought in to further elaborate on attacks on me surrounding Dexter's love life...
*I resided at the Salvation Army for approximately one week because I did not have the $10.00 per day that they charge after the one free week that they allow allow clients to reside there. I wondered and still wonder what the Salvation Army does with all of the money they raise each year. Their charging $300.00 per month per bunk bed to house persons who'd otherwise be homeless means that the Salvation Army is raising significant funds from the homeless alone...
I'd overheard the lady who'd been placed in the bunk next to me at the Salvation Army telling another lady in a bunk near us, and seemingly for my benefit, that a lady named "Ana" had been trying to get her fired from her job because of her husband's platonic gravitation to her. "Come to find out, Ana was pregnant and she thought her husband wanted me," she went on to explain. My antennas immediately perked because King Center staff had informed me that Dexter was dating a "vicious" woman named "Ana." I have never heard an announcement in the media about Dexter having any children. I have only heard that Marty has a daughter. An employment counselor at an agency in Atlanta called Spexcel, where I was sent by the Department of Human Services for assistance in finding a job who I'd spoken to in confidence regarding implications that I was not getting a job because Dexter was not allowing me to work because of my weight gain* told me that she was a friend of Berniece's and that Dexter was married and had children.
Being attacked over my weight for Dexter's sake was/is absolutely absurd. The problem with Dexter dictating to me that I could and cannot work until I lose weight is that I'm not interested in Dexter, who is overweight himself, and he has no lawful privilege to make any such demand of me, regardless of his marital status...
*There was notably a weight scale in the primary meeting room at Spexcel, and I've encountered weight scales similarly placed in other companies. For example, when I applied for employment at Macy's in Oak Court Mall in Memphis, I was directed to sit in a seat near a weight scale (At another Macy's location where I applied for employment the interviewer (a female) brought in a "size 4" mannequin and asked me to pretend she was a customer and suggest additional garments to complete the wardrobe worn by the mannequin). "This is what we're looking for," the interviewer said, holding up the mannequin. I'm confident that I aced the session, for which I'd shown up an hour or more early by the way. I was never made an offer of employment at either location.
My old Westview Drive neighbor, Letha, also sent me a Christmas card right after I'd received the 60-day notice to vacate my apartment that read, "Unto us a child is born." Whether or not Dexter has children, I could not understand what it had to do with me. Dexter is married now, and I am not into married men or those who are unmarried and romantically involved with other women that I am aware of. I do not share or quarrel over men, period. I'm a very serious-minded person, and I do NOT like drama. A man’s wife is or should be his helper, according to Scripture, furthermore, not a woman he has betrayed, unless he’s willing to pay for the help, if the betrayed decides to deal with him at all. If Lenbrook and/or Chick-fil-A did in fact direct money for injuries that they'd caused me and my real children to Dexter and his subsequent wife, presumably, they wanted a return on their investment or to show that it was merited. They believe(d), perhaps, and erroneously so, that unlawfully appropriating my intellectual properties or imputing them to Dexter, his wife, and/or the King Center, would accomplish this, though my work (with the exception of what I gave them) was never purported for them. To be very honest, I do not want dealings of any kind with Dexter or his wife or the King Center after everything that has happened. I want to live a normal life again.
Other Seeming Inferences to Dexter...
During an assignment that I took at Southwind Elementary* School in Memphis as a paraprofessional for Shelby County Schools, the instructor I was assigned to work with, an unmarried, obese African American woman named "Ms. King"seated me near her desk, where there was a “California Innovation” cooler bag hanging on a coat rack, noting, again, that Dexter was residing in Malibu, California at that time...
*One of my nephews happen to have attended this school.
Dexter had moved to California shortly after I’d decided not to abort my son, against the advice of former Ebenezer pastor, Reverend Jososeph Roberts, who’d been prepared to give me an open check for an abortion. Per Reverend Roberts, "No man wants to take care of another man's child." I seriously wondered if Reverend Roberts was speaking on Dexter's behalf when he made this comment. Reverend Roberts himself never attempted to romance me, and nothing he ever did made me believe that he had any such interests in me. I'm certain that he was aware that there are many men who have raised other men's children. I believe that Reverend Roberts, who was like a dad to me, was shocked when he found out I was expecting, though he seems to have already known and had his response planned out when I told him. He said, "Yolanda, I'll call you a liar if you ever tell anyone," though he couldn't because the check he gave me was drawn on Ebenezer, a fact that I believe could have brought a bad omen on the church and me had I given it over to an abortion clinic for any services. I wrestled back and forth with what I'd do, until I listened to a sermon by Bishop Eddie Long while I was at work one morning. He was speaking on the challenges of single motherhood and of how God takes care of single mothers and children. I made a definitive decision that morning to decline Reverend Robert's offer and keep my baby, who graduated with honors from high school earlier this year and is currently attending the University of Memphis.
I did not harbor ill feelings towards Reverend Roberts because I believe he had my best interest in mind. This situation likely ate away at his conscience enough. I asked the Lord to forgive him. I decided to tell this, despite avowing to keep it a secret, out of fear for the safety of my children.
I was very alarmed when I learned of allegations of sexual impropriety against Bishop Eddie Long involving underaged teens. I could not say because he was someone I'd looked up to that he didn't do what was alleged. I only hoped those allegations were false.
I thought of many things, including the Michael Jackson child molestation scandal. I wondered if Eddie Long, who appeared to love rubbing shoulders with celebrities, was channeling Michael Jackson, in light of the Jacksons' and Atlanta's seeming interest in the business proposals I wrote for a Jackson's theme park...
I additionally thought of observations I made at Southwind Elementary School. There was a boy in the class who couldn't talk, and when a male assistant in the class took him into a back changing room, he yelled for several minutes.
I wondered further if Dexter or any other King children had been sexually abused as children, perhaps, and/or if they or Eddie Long were involved in any misconduct towards those or my children and/or any others.
I could not say for certain whether or not the boy in Ms. King's class at Southwind was being sexually abused, though, to be honest, it is the first thing that entered my mind.
It got even creepier when I was instructed to change a little girl's diaper to discover that her vagina looked as though she'd been regularly abused by a grown man and she had a rash of some sort that I reported to school officials.
This experience and concerns that I've had for my own children prompted me to write a series of articles addressing what should be proper protocol for preventing and intervening upon the sexual abuse of children in and out of school (Click each title to read the articles):
Open-door Witness-attended and/or Surveilled Student-Staff Meeting and Changing Policy
All Classrooms Should Be Viewable from Within School Buildings
All School and Public Lavatories Should Have Latches on all Toilet Stall Doors
Criminals in the United Nations Peacekeeping Forces Should Be on the Other Side of the Law
I’d also receive numerous calls from the Dexter schools here in Memphis asking if I could work for them. I declined each request and didn’t take an assignment at all on the various days that those particular schools were the only choices. I’d experienced too much drama surrounding Dexter King and did not want to give anyone the impression that I welcomed it.
Another thing that perked my antennas was frequently encountering employment listings at Dexter Solutions during my job searches. Amusingly, this company is located in East Memphis, not far from my residence.
...Though Dexter Solutions is not a think tank, like me or my efforts that are exhibited in this and my Education, Business, and Social Innovation blog, etc., I began to wonder if another reason I was not acquiring either of the numerous jobs I'd applied for concerned the worth of my intellectual properties and/or, perhaps, endeavors by persons like Dexter to monetarily profit from my work and not wanting others to know that, despite the value of my work, I am poor and must work a traditional job to earn a living....
One of the most brow-raising incidences is learning that a home that my family and I rented at 4233 Arrowwood Avenue in Memphis was managed by a company (Reedy and Company) with an executive/property manager named "Scott King." It was brow-raising because this house was the only house that I inquired into that I got a call-back on that would accept our housing choice voucher...
When I saw that "Scott King" was on staff at the company managing this house, I searched overtime trying to find another one that was not managed by Reedy, accurately predicting that there would be drama if we moved into a home managed by Reedy or "Scott King." Though I knew that the Scott King on staff at Reedy was not Dexter Scott King per se, in light of everything else that was happening where Dexter was being implicated, it was not far-fetched to believe that "Scott King" was symbolic of Dexter...
I could not locate another house that was close enough to Sheffield High School, from which my son wanted to graduate with his childhood friends and that was near Goodlett Elementary School, where I decided to transfer my daughter after she was physically assaulted and serially harassed at Getwell Elementary School during the Principal "Holly"* administration. *There is or was a teacher at Getwell named Mr. "Holiday" verbatim, and he was an instructor of my cousins' children who gave them homework assignments that I helped them with during a span in which I personally tutored them. We rented the Arrowood house for one year, and the owner decided not to renew the lease. On the final day of the lease, which was 11/30/2017, we were not yet prepared to move because we could not locate another house that was close enough to my son's high school (I did not want my daughter to return to Goodlett because of their joining the bandwagon of harassing my daughter about her personal appearance). I resorted to numerous area hotels to acquire quotes and learned that even the cheapest and shabbiest hotels were charging way more than we could afford to house everyone in our house. I believe that the prices were inflated in an endeavor to force us into homelessness. My antennas really perked when I encountered a military presence at one of the hotels. It was obvious that someone had it in for us, especially when I was the target of a road rage incident the same night of 11/30/2017 (which happened to have been my oldest nephew's birthday) while I was en route to work at Fed Ex Express. The vehicle I was driving (my father's 1989 Buick LaSabre that I paid for after my father was incarerated on a DUI charge) incurred serious damage. Click here to view. I immediately began receiving calls from attorneys or their paralegals who'd read the police report in an online database and who wanted to take my case. Click here to view the police report.
One of the things that immediately grabbed my attention when I read the report is that the guy who hit me is named Cameron* and he was driving a Camry. A camera was possibly being channeled here and an implication, perhaps, that I had been hit because of my personal appearance...
*Cameron, who was ticketed in the incident for reckless, careless, and erratic driving and failure to maintain safe outlook, is a light-skinned, heavy set guy, about Dexter's size and complexion.
The most alarming component of the ordeal is what happened after this incident. I decided to contact an attorney other than those who'd contacted me because I didn't feel comfortable talking to anyone I was not familiar with. I contacted Nahon, Saharavitch, and Trotz. They initially accepted my case, sent a paralegal out to my residence to get me to sign documents and to take photographs of the car, and had me attending physical therapy for injuries I incurred. One day out of the blue they contacted me and told me that they couldn't represent me because they were representing Mr. Cameron in another case and representing me would have been a "conflict of interest." This sounded really strange. I accepted it and decided to contact another attorney.
I contacted Morgan and Morgan. They additionally accepted my case and sent out a paralegal to have me to sign documents and take pictures of the car. They too would eventually inform me that they could not proceed with the case, for a different reason.* Per Morgan and Morgan, Cameron was not on the insurance policy for the car he was driving, which was otherwise covered by the General insurance company. I informed them that I didn't mind if Cameron paid out of his pocket, seeing especially that he'd clearly hit me on purpose. I additionally made the point that Cameron clearly had the Camry owner's permission to drive the vehicle, which had not been reported stolen and the General should have been responsible for damage to the vehicle I was driving and for my injuries. Nonetheless, they decided not to proceed with the case.
*It appeared to me that NST and Morgan and Morgan were endeavoring to protect Cameron, though they and everyone with eyes could see that he was in the wrong. They were not the only ones who appeared to be protecting Cameron, however.
When I appeared in Division 3 court at 201 Poplar on January 3, 2018 at 1:30 p.m., the set court date, per the police report, for this incidence, I was told that there was no such case being heard that day. I attempted to file and get my personal copy of this brief file stamped that I prepared for the case explaining what happened in the clerk's office and was told that I could not. The lady who informed me that I could not file a brief ("Ms. Morris," if my memory serves me correctly) was able to pull the case up and inform me that the court date was re-scheduled for January 9, 2018. I asked for a print-out of the information, and she provided this document. When I told her that I'd be there, she stated that the court date was only for Cameron and that I would not be permitted to enter the court, which sounded really bizarre. She stated further that all Cameron had to pay was a conservative court fee and that I would have to file my own lawsuit to recover damages for damage to my vehicle and to my person. I reported this to city court clerk, Delicia DeGraffreed, whose email address was listed on the court's website and who appeared to be the appropriate authority to report it to. When I never heard back from her, and actually prior to, I began to wonder if everyone working in the judicial system is corrupt.
I was subsequently left without transportation and I'm experiencing extreme difficulties of relevance to this.
Reluctantly, we asked Reedy if they had another house nearby that we could rent until my son graduated from high school. They made a recommendation and we took it because we were running out of time to move (Someone has since purchased the Arrowood house). One day out of the blue I received a letter from Reedy falsely stating that we were more than $2,000 behind in rent.* I forwarded screen shots from Reedy's tenant portal disproving their accusation to the Memphis Housing Authority. We had never missed any rent payments and had never been late on any payments. *I believe that Reedy falsified documents claiming that we were behind in rent because of a possible alliance they created with Reedy. I necessarily indicated in my rental application for the Arrowood house that I'd been evicted from my apartment at 361 Westview Drive in Atlanta for raising concerns about the property manager/owner removing double cylinder locks from my doors and replacing them with all ...hand-turning locks, when my back door was over 90% glass. I believe that the property manager of my old Westview Drive apartment was endeavoring to make it appear that the reason they evicted me was for non-payment of rent, which is NOT true. My rent was paid in full when I moved. After making my final rental payment, which was not accepted until after I moved, the property manager drew up a document that they tried to get me to sign stating that we had settled the issue. I refused to sign the document because they had forced me and my then 7-year-old son into homelessness. I requested a copy of the document for my records, however.
I additionally reported that Reedy had charged us $295.00 for "deep cleaning" the Arrowood house, when we were the ones who deep-cleaned it. The house was ready for move-in when we moved out. We did pay the $150... they charged us for three blinds that needed replacing.
We additionally reported that the house that Reedy moved us to did not have an air conditioning unit, and we suffered subjection to extreme heat for a substantial period of time, and despite my informing Reedy on numerous occasions of my daughter's health issues that cause her to have headaches when she is overheated. It was only after Code Enforcement forced them to provide us with air conditioning that we finally received it. Reedy retaliated against us by removing a jammed lock from our back security door and leaving it without any lock,* and while the back wooden door, which is windowed, only had a ...hand-turning lock. Anyone could have busted the glass out of the window, reached inside and unlocked the door and did whatever they wanted to us. *This act was similar to what my Westview Drive/Atlanta property manager had done, which is what made me really believe that improper communications had transpired between them and Reedy. This was apparently the final straw where MHA, Code Enforcement, and/or the home owner was concerned. We received a letter stating that Reedy would no longer be managing the home we're currently renting.
Bunny Bread Inferences
I have noticed that after I pen certain ideas on my blogs, especially after expressing disinterest in any further dealings with Dexter, varied individuals make reference to Bunny Bread, noting that Berniece King's nickname is Bunny. Though I respect Berniece as a minister, I would never give her or anyone else everything that is profitable to me, while I and my real children are suffering sadness and hardship...
Torture/Creation of Hardships (The Brutal Blacklist)
A man who'd seen me sleeping in my car on the parking lot of The Good Shepherd Church in Atlanta had told me about The Right Hand Man, a labor pool where I could work and be paid the same day. I decided to pay a visit and applied for work there. I continued searching and applying elsewhere for full-time, stable employment, however, as this was not enough to secure housing and other living necessities...
Several of the men there attempted to date me, and I eventually began to date one of them. He and I worked together on temp assignments and eventually began living together. And one day out of the blue, he got around to admitting to me in so many words that he was a contract killer who'd been hired to murder me...
He walked up to me and grabbed me from behind while I was washing dishes at his family home, and began to cry. "It's like someone asking you to kill your mother," he lamented. His aunt had also once greeted him with a statement in my presence that she'd heard that he was "killing everything moving." On another occasion he showed me the movie "The Lady Killer" starring Tom Hanks.
I'd put the pieces together, however, after realizing that my beau at the time and several other men at The Right Hand Man (the labor pool where we'd met) had similar burn marks on their hands; my former beau had earned the nickname "The Roaster" for his apparent effectiveness in his trade.
After I figured out what these men were, I decided to strike up a conversation about it. The gentleman I spoke to openly discussed how they [and others] had been enlisted to commit murders in exchange for expunging of their criminal records. "It's not something that you want to do, but it's a living," one of them said, quote unquote.
I was very upset after listening to what I'd just heard. I was upset because I had gotten to know this individual, who is not someone I'd known to particularly associate with my ex beau (The Roaster); and I knew that he was essentially a good person. I said, "Instead of providing incentives to commit murders, why don't they provide you guys incentives to train for decent jobs to keep you out of trouble?" "That would be too much like right," he explained. "It's exactly what should happen," I said...
I felt like a journalist in a war zone, but where I was amazingly safe and protected by the very people who'd been hired to take my life. Neither of them could kill me, because they knew that I was innocent. To this day, and, naturally, I have much more respect for those men than I have for the highly respected individuals who'd hired them to murder me...
The Shekinah Makes an Appearance in Atlanta?!
Each and every single day I’d say a prayer regarding the unmerited attacks on me. It was essentially the same prayer. “Lord, you know and see everything. You see that I have done nothing to deserve what’s happening to me. I’m trying to do good things, and for it I’m rewarded with evil. Get down here and stand up for me, like you did for others in the Bible,” quote unquote…
On this particular day I’d driven my now ex (the contract murderer) to a location where another staffing agency for which he was employed had assigned him to work an ethical job, as far as I could see anyway. For whatever reasons, or by Divine intervention, his boss decided to change his work hours that day so that he’d get off work about three hours earlier than normal.
Since he’d be getting off work earlier, I decided to stay in the area or in the parking lot of the site for the duration of his assignment. I got caught up on some of my required collegiate course reading and work. After a while I decided to call my play mom who I’d stayed with in Conley, Georgia for a span while working at Chick-fil-A...
I informed her that I’d finally be picking up my W-2 form from Chick-fil-A that had been mailed to her house after my beau at the time got off work. It was a payday for my beau, and though we’d plan to stop first and cash his check at a spot in downtown Atlanta, something told me to keep driving. So I did.
My play mom had told me to call as I was turning down the street she lived on so that she’d know to get up and open the door. I did just that and didn’t think anything of it at that time. I got my W-2 and a few other items that I’d left there, and my now ex beau and I turned around and headed back into Atlanta.
As I was driving off the exit in route to the check cashing company that my ex beau utilized we noticed a lot of shrubbery in the streets that I initially believed may have been blown over from the above highway from which we’d exited, from perhaps an accident that was further down and that we couldn’t see.
I drove further, and I could hardly believe my eyes. Several huge buildings had their windows shattered or blown out, besides other serious damage. The first thought that entered my mind was that Atlanta had been bombed; and after a while I decided to stop and ask some people who were standing in the street what had happened.
“A tornado just hit Atlanta,” a lady said softly. It was surreal because nothing of this sort had ever happened before in Atlanta, and certainly not in downtown Atlanta. I remembered the prayer that I’d said earlier that day, and whispered in query “Lord, was that You?” When we drove by the Equitable Building and saw the damage there, I was convinced that it truly was Him. I’d recently met with Chick-fil-A’s attorney, Stephen Camp, there for a required, though unproductive Rule 26F conference…
Atlanta's historic March, 2008 tornadoes thoroughly convinced me that the Shekinah or physical presence of God had visited ATL in response to my prayers because nearly every place that had mistreated me had been touched, including the CNN Center, which houses the Chick-fil-A restaurant where I’d worked and from which I had been terminated without merited cause.
Another thing that convinced me was Georgia's major drought in latter 2007 that preceded the tornadoes and the Russo*-Georgia war. *Russia is Biblical Gog and Magog, which, according to Scripture, will be a participant in Armageddon.
The Georgia World Congress Center had also incurred more than $80 million in damage, I’d learn… I wasn’t scheduled to work that day. My co-workers filled me in when I returned. “I thought some terrorists had bombed this mother*cker,” some of them ranted. “The Goddamned floors were falling down on one another, and shit was flying around everywhere. I just ran and hid,” a male co-worker confided…
What really, really convinced me that this was the work of the Shekinah was the time that it had occurred. My now ex beau and I had gone back to our mutual residence at the time and turned on the news. It was announced that the tornado occurred at about 9:38 p.m. that night (if my memory serves me correctly).
I grabbed my cell phone to see what time it was that I had called my play mom in Conley, Georgia to let her know that I was down the street. It was the precise time that the tornado had touched down in Atlanta. I was overwhelmed with both fear and happiness as I remembered reading account of how the Shekinah had attacked people who had spoken and conspired against Moses, how He’d warn Moses to get up and separate himself from them so that He could kill them all. Moses would say a prayer. Sometimes his enemies were spared and at other times they weren’t. Of course I was not happy with the idea of any of my enemies suffering harm behind what they’d done to me, just as Moses was not happy about his enemies losing their lives. I wanted their reprisals to stop, however.
Robbed While Pregnant and Living in My Car
Not long after I submitted a short story in a creative writing course that I took at Georgia State chronicling my experiences with contract murderers, The Right Hand Man abruptly closed both its Atlanta and metro (Duluth) office.
Yes, I'd dealt with staunch harassment each and every single day that I'd reported for work, and even beyond the context of employment, and developed health issues relational to it, but the fact that EEOC turned a blind eye and deaf ear to evidence that I'd submitted to them demonstrating my abuse, including being forced into homelessness, and being defamed for reporting it, was most devastating.
When a settlement offer had been made to me on the Lenbrook case I refused it because Lenbrook's attorney, Ruth Woodling, who was practicing with Fisher & Phillips LLP at that time, made light of my ordeal and the blatant racism at Lenbrook during that time. While I certainly needed the money after the financial devastation that I'd experienced, I also wanted the company to understand that what they'd done to me and other employees was wrong. I wanted a promise that those things would stop, that working conditions would be better for the other employees. There was no promise, no settlement, and no judgement in my favor, despite everything that I evidenced, but, knowing that I won on the merits motivated me to make a difference, to use my voice to address workforce issues and flaws in our judicial processes that hurt working class people everyday. It was inspiration for this blog and more.
No Unemployment Benefits or Help From the Department of Labor
After Chick-fil-A terminated my employment, again without merited cause, I filed for unemployment with the Georgia Department of Labor, which, mind you, manages Job Corps. I believed, nonetheless, that after giving the very horrific and detailed explanation of how I had been staunchly harassed and terminated from Chick-fil-A, I was hopeful that I would at least be granted unemployment and help with finding a job...
I could hardly believe it when the Department of Labor directed all attention from Chick-fil-A and commenced endeavors to goad me back into employment with Job Corps, despite the fact that I would eventually submit more than one hundred pages of documents evidencing that I was being tortured at the Atlanta Job Corps Center relational to the lawsuit against Lenbrook...
When DOL offered to arrange a hearing between me and the Atlanta Job Corps Center (rather than me and Chick-fil-A), I readily declined, in light of what I had experienced there. Upon their continual nudging, I eventually agreed to participate in the telephonic hearing, which included one of the very managers who had staunchly harassed me. After speaking with her I informed them that, though I accepted their apology, I would never be returning, and I meant and still mean it...
Continued Stalking by Job Corps
Early one morning when I woke up from sleeping in my car on the Kroger parking lot on Ralph David Abernathy Boulevard, the same Job Corps manager who was a major reason that I decided to leave Job Corps, and with whom DOL had arranged for me to confer relational to Chick-fil-A's termination of my employment was parked and sitting in her car directly across from me in my car just staring at me...
I was just as horrified with this and many other similar attempts by Job Corps staff and others acting under their auspices to persuade me to return as I imagine Biblical David was with Saul's attempts to persuade him to return home with him after his attacks on David simply because he was talented or had the Lord's favor...
One of the primary reasons that I believe that DOL was so interested in me returning to Job Corps was because not long before I resigned I and my co-workers had been given a roughly five dollar raise, which I believe was a sort of under-the-table settlement of my lawsuit that I never agreed to. The other reason that I believe that Job Corps has stalked me for several years now is because I had prolifically penned and submitted innovations to the center, some of which were recognized and implemented at the corporate level,and they know that there is much more where that came from.
The major push to goad me back into employment with Job Corps became more and more evident, and I was equally determined not to return. Even if I could forgive what they’d done, resuming employment there meant that I’d have to leave my son at home alone overnight to work (which I occasionally had to do), and I simply wasn’t going to do it.
I’d planned everything out. I’d work in the daytime while my son was attending school and put him in aftercare until I got off work, and/or I’d attend school in the evenings or on weekends and carry him to class with me (as I’d done before) if there was ever a problem with aftercare at my son’s school. Aftercare at M. Agnes Jones Elementary was never the problem. For a little more than $20.00 per week he could stay afterschool, and I occasionally paid the fee and allowed him to stay while I spent part of the day at school and the other part job searching. The problem was that I could never get another full-time job.
It really infuriated me when I realized that Job Corps was so staunchly endeavoring to get me to return, not considering the welfare of my son, and what would make me happy, and considering everything that had happened.
I thought of how absurd it was that I had to separate from my young son and bring him to Memphis to reside with my parents while I returned to Atlanta to live in my car and try to salvage all of our belongings (including things that held sentimental value for us both), and while endeavoring to complete my education at Georgia State University.
I resided in my car for about two years and through every extremity of weather, despite my efforts to acquire sufficient employment. My financial aid refunds were swallowed up in my past due bills, vehicular insurance, and sending money to my mother for the care of my son. I worked the few part time jobs that I managed to acquire, for as long as I could, to pay storage fees for my furniture, which I’d eventually lose after Chick-fil-A unfairly reduced my working hours from three to two days.
I began to take the idea of becoming a politician and/or legislator more and more seriously. There was no one I could turn to for help. It was as if Atlanta and Memphis, subsequently, had lost all sound reasoning, and I was actually one of very few sane individuals left in either place. Nearly everyone was and is corrupt... or they were/are perhaps too afraid to get involved.
I’d sit in my car and write ideas for prospective laws, some of which I’d later post on my blogs. I have major interests in perfecting Job Corps, however, though not in the capacity of previously held employment...
Continued Reprisals in Memphis...
Abuse of my Children in Their Schools, etc...
...I calculated most of the reprisals I experienced, though I had not calculated harassment or being forthwith abused or that my children would experience similar harassment and abuse. I never would have imagined that the attacks would follow my children to their schools. One would think that children would be safe in their schools, of all places, if not anywhere else.
My Son
When I got to Memphis and saw how intense the warfare surrounding my son in his schools was I was grateful that fate had brought me here. Much of the warfare centered around efforts to academically railroad my son, who was also physically attacked, and had his clothing and shoes torn during the course of normal school days during situations that were clearly orchestrated by his instructors and school administrators...
For example, my son was once pulled from his middle school science class by his math instructor and taken to the gym, where three boys sliced his tennis shoes. No math tutoring occurred.
I pointed out to the principal and instructor that had my son been where he was supposed to be this situation would not have occurred. The same instructor, who’d routinely call me regarding my son primarily defending himself from attacks by other students, didn’t call to inform me that he didn’t have a pencil during a major test. He didn’t loan him a pencil either or allow him to try otherwise to acquire one. My son failed the test simply because he didn’t have a pencil. I could hardly believe that this man was still employed with the school after I reported all of this. On another occasion the assistant principal of the same school retained my son in the cafeteria because he didn’t have a pencil and paper to participate in her meal-time lessons, which raised my antennas because the meal periods were so brief.
It would follow that my son would miss and fail a science test while he was being held over in the cafeteria. Naturally, I was furious, seeing especially that Science is one of my son’s greatest strengths. His TCAP scores in the area were exceptional, and he’d subsequently be invited to join a prestigious STEM program at East High School,* although I did not allow him to participate because of the ability of the courses to affect his grade point average, which currently qualifies him for Hope and other collegiate scholarships, and, primarily, because the courses didn’t count as dual enrollment for college credit.
Possible Sexual Exploitation
The then principle of Sheffield Career and Technology Center, Mr. Charles Grove, laughingly introduced my son, Justice, as "Justica" when he was called to receive his awards on the day that he was inducted into the National Technical Honors Society. *Once when I took an assignment at Overton High School, I was bussed with my subject students to Sheffied Career and Technology Center where students attended Mr. John Cooper's culinary arts class...
I wondered if there was a connection between my placement as a substitute educational assistant in Mr. Cooper's class and Sheffield CTC's principle referencing my son as Justica (though his name was spelled correctly in the event program). I wondered if Judge Cooper was being channeled here. I further questioned his decision in Whitaker v. Purdue to bar enforcement of House Bill 1059... near school bus stops...
This noted bill "requires that registered sexual offenders cannot live or work within 1,000 feet from schools, school bus stops,* churches, day care centers, and areas where children gather, such as parks, recreation centers, playgrounds, swimming pools, etc." I wondered if Wayne Williams's sole conviction in the Atlanta child murders case that Judge Cooper presided over was another endeavor to protect pedophiles... *My son started attending what he stated is a Bible study called "Night Life" that picks teenagers up via bus from Sheffield High School. When I conducted research on "Night Life" all I could find is an LGBTQ organization on "Cooper St." in Memphis... When I asked Justice about the location of the program he was attending, which never acquired my permission, he stated that it is an initiative of Second Presbyterian Church near the University of Memphis. This was around the time that I'd enrolled him in ACT prep at the University of Memphis, where he wanted and is currently attending. I believe "Nightlife" recruiters were endeavoring to dissuade Justice's enrollment into the University of Memphis. My stance is that if a ministry is legitimate it shouldn't have a problem reaching out to and/or informing parents of who they are and better yet obtaining permission before carrying their children anywhere...
I was both proud and furious, proud of my son and furious at Mr. Grove. The only reason I didn't confront him is because I knew that it would upset my son, who was as embarrassed as I was, I'm certain. I began to wonder if headlines regarding the sexual abuse of children by Catholic priests in Philadelphia (my son's father's hometown) was synonymous with the noted and other similar gestures...
My wild guess, considering the attacks on my son in school, is that if he is being exploited or trafficked, the culprits do not want him or any of their other victims wholly educated because, in the words of Dr. Johnetta Cole, knowledge and slavery are incompatible.
I regretted the decision of bringing my son to reside with my family in Memphis, where I thought he'd be safe. Though things were difficult for us, he was and is definitively safe with me. I've had nightmares about my son being possibly molested by aids-infested pedophiles and about snapping if I ever substantiated it. I would go to any extreme to protect both of my children.
Whenever I addressed the issues, implications were made about my weight being the reason that my son was being attacked, which is absolutely ridiculous; I would not stand for it. I went into general mode. Regardless of how I was being attacked in the line of my employment, I simply wouldn’t and won’t tolerate abuse of my children by anyone. Whatever school leaders are behind the attacks certainly should be relieved of their duties...
Other Possible Improprieties by the Church
During our residence in Camelot Manor apartments, there was a church group that regularly visited the complex and held an evening Bible study for children that typically let out in the dark of night. Members of my family are members of this church (Christ the Rock). My intuition or common sense warned me that something wasn't right, nonetheless.
When I arrived in Memphis to join my son in residing with my parents he was already visiting the Bible Study. I immediately questioned why the Bible study was held at night and was only for children. I decided to attend one of the meetings to pose that question. The group leader who responded to my question stated that they used to have Bible study for adults on Saturday mornings that they discontinued, though Saturday morning would have been an ideal day and time for an all-inclusive Bible study. My antennas were really perked at this point...
Another thing that I found alarming is the fact that we frequently had live sewer with blood in it at one point flowing in our back yard at Camelot, and our unit and another one near us appeared to be the only units in the complex with this problem. I wondered if this was cryptic.
Of course, I want both of my children to learn about the Creator and our redemption through Christ. Though I've personally taught them Bible facts, I would like for my children to attend a legitimate church. Unfortunately, due to corruption in churches I've attended or horrific experiences that I've had with people who call themselves Christians, I have not been able to find another one I'd care to join...
My Daughter
Attacks on my daughter have been just as frightening as those on my son. It commenced in daycare and escalated when she started attending public school.
I could hardly believe that my own hometown would jump the bandwagon of unmerited attacks on me and my children. Memphis is certainly a different place than it was when I grew up here. I cannot fathom anything even remotely equitable with what I was and am experiencing occurring in the former Willie Herenton era Memphis.
I had hit the ground running in search of full-time employment when I arrived in Memphis, where I hadn't lived in nearly two decades, since graduating from high school. I eventually resorted to the Department of Human Services (DHS) for intervention. I enrolled in Families First, the equivalent of TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) in Atlanta, or welfare, and, primarily for help with acquiring employment…
To make a long story short, Memphis's Families First never connected me with a paying job, but, like the few companies where I'd managed to acquire employment since leaving Job Corps, appeared to be nudging me to return to Job Corps to work. For example, a representative from Job Corps showed up at nearly all of the assignments to which I was sent by Kairos Services, the organization to which I'd been assigned by DHS to satisfy program participation requirements. An unofficial Job Corps representative, who happens to be one of my high school classmates, and a close relative of a member of the Atlanta Job Corps management team, as I'd learn, showed up at my very first Kairos assignment at a girl's and women's empowerment organization where I was "volunteering" as an assistant and writer for the company's online magazine. He was there to deliver information about housing for seniors and individuals with "disabilities"...
A Job Corps student had been assigned to work with me at a screen printing shop in Memphis where I was assigned by Kairos, a young lady who frequently complained of the hard work there, seemingly for my entertainment, and for the sheer purpose of persuading me to leave, as she would within a very brief period of time.
I'd receive numerous calls for student suitings while "volunteering" as an office assistant at Dress for Success Memphis from the Benjamin L. Hooks Job Corps Center in Memphis, although Job Corps has its own program that provides funding for student shopping trips for professional attire. I did not have a problem at all with Job Corps students coming to Dress for Success, nonetheless. I knew that many of them had come into the program with a little to nothing, just as I had; and if they could get something extra, why not. I did not and do not mind providing encouragement to Job Corps students as an alumnus of the program, of which I am a chief proponent, although I do believe that Job Corps should be for adult students only (from 18 years old forward), unless there are extenuating circumstances that would merit a 16 or 17-year-old entering the program. My reasoning for this is that the public school system pays now about $10,000 per year per student, while Job Corps spends about $30,000 per year per student.
Graduating students from the public school system amounts to more than $20,000 in savings per student per year. Raising the compulsory school age to disallow all minors to drop out of school would also assure that the funds that the public school system continues to disburse to public schools for students who decide to drop out and enroll in Job Corps would be prudently spent...
There are more adults who could benefit from Job Corps, including some refugees, victims of human trafficking (particularly those who have been lured into the ordeal on promises of education and/or legitimate employment), and incarcerated individuals, besides those already enrolled via either of the correctional facilities that the program already manages...
I did and do have a problem with Job Corps and any company that endeavors to goad me into resuming employment with them after they have blatantly mistreated me surrounding litigation in which I was involved (or for any other reasons), and after I have expressed disinterest in resuming employment with them, noting that I have never had a contractual employment relationship with Job Corps or any other companies...
Job Corps has, by far, helped to develop me into the person I am today, and I'll always be grateful to them for that. There are a lot of people there who I've known for many years and who I love very much, but my stance is the same as that of America's on the issue of British colonialism. I want the freedom, like anyone else, to pursue my own interests and create better lives for myself and my two children. I worked hard to educate myself as a Job Corps Business Clerical student of Mrs. June Mckinney who'd eventually matriculate into and graduate from Atlanta Metropolican College and transfer to Georgia State University where I reached the door of graduating before having to leave due to extenuating circumstances that I have herein discussed (Here are just a few of my collegiate papers). I most certainly intend to continue my education and accomplish many wonderful things in this lifetime; prior to and during the course of completing my education, and while perfecting my blogging skills, I'd like to work a job utilizing the clerical skills and certification that I acquired from Job Corps. I certainly have no interests in volunteering for a welfare check. That is simply NEVER happening again...
My children and I have also been in perpetual crisis relational to my inability to acquire full-time employment due to endeavors to force me into unpaid labor via the Department of Human Services with companies that I have reason to believe might have been paid on my behalf to either offer employment to me and/or to form business partnerships with me, though I have never expressed interest or agreed to any such arrangements. And I never would agree to any such arrangements with those particular companies because they've clearly participated in post litigation reprisals against me. For example, my work station with one of the companies was in a basement with fumes that gave me a headache every day, and the owner of this company hostily instructed me to order funeral flowers for the lady who'd worked in this position before me who had recently died. Another of the companies had exterminators from Cook's Pest control to routinely spray and set traps within vicinity of my work station (though I personally never saw any pests), which was something that I'd never seen before and most certainly found alarming (Notably this organization's director resigned shortly after one of my close cousins died). Another of the companies clearly arranged for my car to be rammed during the course of my volunteer work day...
Again, neither of the companies I'd volunteered for offered me a real or paying job within the roughly two years that I was in the program, and though they loved my work and sought feverishly to retain me for it. From all appearances, DHS was/is an active participant in reprisals against individuals who have been involved in employment disputes and they were perhaps monetarily profiting from my work...
When I left this program, they commissioned individuals to stalk and harass me on and off the only paying job I could get in an endeavor to goad me back onto welfare and providing free labor to this developing African American small business base in Memphis.
Atlanta's TANF, which I'd signed up for during my latter days in the city, is a much better program than Memphis's Families First... Atlanta's TANF assessed clients to determine their needs, and placed those without work experience, or who could stand to acquire a bit more of a certain kind of experience, considering the types of jobs they were interested in, on work assignments where they could acquire that experience, for resume enrichment purposes. Other participants were placed in a program called Shift, where they would actually clock in and participate in round-table discussions about employment barriers and solutions to those barriers. Monitored job searches were also conducted in the program for the remnant of the eight hours that clients were required to participate. Kairos Services did not provide facilities, i.e. a computer lab, for monitored job searches. In fact, when the agency learned of my talents, they exploited and have sought to essentially traffic me. I was assigned to a total of about five different companies over roughly a two year period. After seeing that the agency had no apparent intentions of helping me acquire a paying job, I struck out on my own
After submitting a massive amount of job applications, I managed to acquire a job with Shelby County Schools in Memphis, where I earned about $7,000 per year as a Substitute Educational Assistant; and, like every job that I managed to acquire since filing the, again, merited lawsuits, I was harassed at nearly every single school to which I accepted an assignment. I discuss some of the incidents in this post on my Education, Business and Social Innovation blog and in this post in which I address the need for professional development to address the poor morale amongst school employees, etc.
Harassment About the Jacksons...
During a Creative Writing course that I took at Georgia State University I wrote a paper about my ordeal at the Right Hand Man and the contract murderer I ended up dating who I’d met there. I pointed out that the contract murderer reminded me of one of my ex boyfriends named Tyrone Johnson, who I dated as a teenager and who resembled Michael Jackson in his adolescent years…
Not long after I distributed the draft of my paper amongst my classmates, I noticed sudden and what came to be frequent talks about Michael Jackson, on and off campus. I also wrote an elaborate packet of business proposals for a Jacksons’ theme park and tourist loop between Michael Jacksons’ former residence in Encino, California and birth home in Gary, Indiana (which, as I suggest, could be managed in part by Disney and/or the National Park Service, and have other sponsors like Pepsi, etc.). I suggested that tourists could book the ultimate tour, which would cover all of the noted sites via “Jacksons Tours” airplanes that would fly between California and Indiana at intervals that would be determined by the ultimate decision makers…
I also suggested that at either or perhaps both of the Jacksons theme parks there should be a site for laser shows that would be similar to the laser shows at Stone Mountain Park in Georgia. I added that the laser shows should include holograms that would make Michael and his brothers appear larger than life in the sky, such as they appear in the Jacksons’ “Can You Feel It” video...
I actually contacted a company about the feasibility of this, referencing the packet of business proposals that I’d written. The individual I spoke with took note of what I requested, and said that he’d give me a call back. One day out of the blue I got a return call from the company stating that what I requested could actually be done, and he wanted to know when I’d like to move forward with implementing it. I told them that I’d get back with them, though I haven’t. There are also many other intricate details of the packet of business proposals that are too lengthy to discuss here that apparently excited some individuals who were prying into what I was doing on computers I used at Georgia State and other localities.
...I am thoroughly convinced that the Department of Human Services deciding or endeavoring to move my SNAP (foodstamp) case in Memphis from the Third street to the Jackson Street DHS location is demonstrable proof of the State of Tennessee's* involvement in the ordeal.
I continued to report to the Third Street DHS location until DHS Memphis relocated as a whole to Corporate Ave, however, primarily to protest the impropriety of a social service organization harassing a client (me) about providing a business proposal to specifically the Jacksons and to others generally...
What would be proper is for those interested in implementing my Jacksons tourist loop idea is for them to contact me directly about implementing the idea (since I have blogged excerpts from the idea on my blogs) and to pay me for it, and for irrelevant parties like DHS, etc. to be laissez-faire...
*I additionally believe that the Tennessee child support system via which custodial parents are disbursed child support payments being named "EPPIC* ACS" (*like Epic Records, Michael Jackson's recording label) is another clue of the state of Tennessee's involvement in the stated...
Not long after my daughter’s father and I began living together, one of his church members asked if he'd allow a fellow member, attendee, and/or acquaintance named "Mike" to live with us. I wasn't particularly thrilled with the idea, especially considering the harassment to which I’d been subjected about the Jacksons surrounding my now ex who reminded me of my other ex who resembled Michael Jackson in his earlier years…
The fact that this guy had dread locks bothered me most of all, because of frequent encounters that I was having with individuals—male and female—with dreads who were clearly channeling the Jacksons. Apparently the dreads have now replaced Jheri Curls.
I suppose that those who saw my reaction to those encounters found it comical, especially my limping swiftly away from those individuals in more recent days when encountering them at grocery stores where I shop, etc. My limping was attributable to standing on my feet for multiple hours and lifting often heavy boxes as a FedEx Express Hand...ler...
Instead of being flattered about apparently having the Jacksons' attention, like, presumably, it was assumed I would be, I have rather been concerned for my and especially my children's safety. I'm aware that not everyone who wears dreadlocks is emblematic of the Jacksons. I am very sober/logical. I have friends with dreads who do not have Jacksons' complexes.
I made a definitive decision to not deal with the Jacksons in terms of providing them with the business proposals I wrote for them without involvement of a lawyer and/or a formal liaison. I want to establish that they are not at liberty to impose upon my personal life, i.e. endeavoring to force me to date people I'm not interested in, etc.
Harassment about Jordan Houston
I am additionally experiencing staunch harassment about Jordan Houston aka Juicy J, with whom I attended high school and who was romantically interested in me during that time. He tried to date me though I turned him down because I was dating another of our classmates, Darrick Smith, who is additionally a local Memphis rapper.
I have never really had romantic interests in Jordan, though he managed at times to pull at my heart strings when he seemed to be sincere. When Jordan initially took interest in me I was essentially physically fit though I could have stood to lose about 10 pounds or a little more.
I was teased about Jordan's crush on me and I said things that I should not have said that probably hurt him badly; I believe that it motivated him to become who he is today, however. When I saw that he was on Facebook I sent Jordan a friend request with a message of apology for my actions when we were in high school. He accepted my request and apology, presumably.
Prior to sending him the request, I was having experiences that made it clear that Jordan was keeping up with me or that he was and is seemingly communicating with people surrounding me, including close members of my family.
On several occasions during my employment as a paraprofessional with Memphis and Shelby County Schools the classes I worked in would be playing Jordan's music. When I took an assignment at Houston High School when it was still a part of the district, I was assigned to work one on one with a male student who kissed me on the jaw. I wholly believe that Jordan had something to do with that...
I think that to a certain extent Jordan does have a real emotional attachment to me because we grew up together and because of what he felt for me many years ago. I do not believe that Jordan wholly feels what he once felt for me, however, especially since I have put on weight and since he has become a major celebrity and has dated the type of women he has since dated and particularly since marrying someone like Regina Perera, who may possibly be involved in attacking me over Jordan, though I do not have romantic interests in him...
When I initially became employed with FedEx Express, one of the ladies who moderated orientation gave a speech about a girl who attacked her in high school because her boyfriend liked her and though she had no interest in the girl's boyfriend. Prior to this it had not entered my mind that some of what I was and have been experiencing might have been synonymous with Jordan's love life... (I'll note here that I do not want anything bad to happen to Jordan's wife. I want all sources of the harassment I'm experiencing to stop)...
Jordan and His Wife Were Possibly Being Channeled During the Royal Wedding
Notably, Megan Markle was *36-years-old when she married Prince Harry, who visited my East Memphis neighborhood with members of his family in early May of 2014 to attend the wedding of their friend, Guy Pelly, to Elizabeth Wilson. *The number 36 is synonymous with Jordan because of his previous membership in a rap trio called Triple Six Mafia. I wondered if the royals met and spoke to Jordan at some point while they were here and if they perhaps continue communicating with one another. It is very amusing that Elizabeth Wilson's grandfather, Kemmons Wilson, is the founder of Holiday Inns, in light of my indicating in a packet of business proposals I wrote and gave to the Atlanta monarch that the Freedom Hall complex at the King Center should be transformed into a hotel. Very possibly, Prince Harry came to Memphis to check me out as a possible romantic prospect (since he was single at the time) because of the issues that I tackle and resolve on this and my other blog and possibly because of my legal wits in representing myself or going pro se in lawsuits that I filed (Notably, Megan Markle's role in Suits somewhat paralleled this, as she portrayed a paralegal and an aspiring African American attorney). I wondered if Prince Harry was slighting me in his response to Liam Payne's performance of John Mayer's Waiting on the World to Change (or maybe for me to lose weight). My position has always been that any man has a right to choose. I have never and would never contest that.
If Prince Harry did have interests in me prior to his nuptials, of course he is one of varied powerful men who have taken interest in me (Another very powerful man who took interest in me was Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg, who left a comment on my Wordpress blog and started following me on Twitter for a span after I tweeted that I wondered if it was the real Mark Zuckerberg who'd commented on one of my posts). He is very likely most interested in my technological innovations. His personalized learning concept might have been inspired by my discussions with Shelby County Schools teachers and administrators regarding the impact that all public school courses being taught online in and out of classrooms, with teachers monitoring and helping students where essential, could have in terms of improving student academic performance. I subsequently discussed this in a blog post, Why Technology Should Teach and Teachers Should Assist, and in other similar posts. I additionally include a Facebook category in my WordPress blog via which I share my innovations for the platform, including my idea of bringing social media to life via Network Social Media Clubs. I have wondered if tennis legend Serena Williams's marriage to Reddit's co-founder and executive chairman, Alexis Ohanian, implies that I could have married Mark Zuckerberg or Maxwell (since Mr. Ohanian is from Brooklyn, New York, like Maxwell) or if I could have been a vicarious member of the British royal family (considering that Serena's last name is Williams and one of my ex-boyfriends is named William Yarborough and shares his first name with Prince William and *Will Smith, who starred in the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air) had I attained Serena's degree of physical fitness, of course. *Will Smith has followed me for some time on social media (Twitter and MySpace).
Prince Harry, Mark Zuckerberg, Will Smith, and Maxwell are all cute, and Prince Harry and Mark Zuckerberg, especially, would have been very compatible for me in light of my interests. They and Will Smith are married, however, and I no longer entertain the idea of them being romantic prospects for me, though I would work with Prince Harry (and Megan) and Mark Zuckerberg (and *Priscilla) professionally...
*My Electronic Physician and similar ideas might especially interest Mrs. Zuckerberg.
I believe that both Prince Harry and Mark Zuckerberg were aware that I was in love with singer Maxwell, and this is possibly why Prince Harry started sporting a Maxwell beard and it is perhaps why Mark Zuckerberg (who is amusingly Jewish) named his first daughter Maxima (I have wondered if Mark Zuckerberg named his second child August because it is month number eight (8), and I ate (8) and gained weight), and though, again, there have been very serious endeavors to whip me back into shape. In the meanwhile *Maxwell was probably buying up all of the shaving cream he could find because he was being attacked over my love for him. *I additionally wondered if Megan Markle and Prince Harry were symbolic of Maxwell and his then girlfriend/rumored wife, Julissa Bermudez. Nonetheless, on the date of the royal wedding, I felt an overwhelming love for Maxwell, like if I had my way, it would have been he and I exchanging nuptials before the world. I have wondered if my unusual love for Maxwell has something to do with my love of another bearded man, Jesus Christ, and if the Bible's mention of Christ's marriage to the church has or is corresponding with the literal marriage of some bearded man to his choice wife. It is notable that the Trinity Broadcasting Network's logo resembles the royal coat of arms of the United Kingdom.
CBS May Know More than My Name
I have wondered about story lines on varied CBS shows that have made me wonder if they have acquired inspiration from my life. They definitively know who I am. They spoke to me via Twitter, and Sheryl Underwood and I follow each other on the platform.
I blogged my idea of how fitting it would be if the fictitious companies (Forrester Creations, Spectra, Jabot Cosmetics, Newman Enterprises, etc.) that exist on CBS soap operas were actualized and if the products of those companies, once actualized, and clothing that actors wear on those shows, etc. were all marketed via CBS stores and their website, to which viewers would be directed during commercials or at the conclusion of each show...
I thought it amusing that Julissa subsequently made an appearance on The Talk and gave a shout-out to the designer of the outfit she was wearing. After Maxwell broke my heart in coupling up with Julissa, I decided to turn off my feelings for him, or try. It is very difficult to fall out of love with Maxwell, with or without his beard.
I was watching an episode of the Wayans Brothers one day, however, and became enamored with this actor who bore a vague resemblance to him. I conducted some research and learned that his name is Richard Whiten. I was smitten. Amusingly, he is from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, like my son's father, and his residing in Los Angeles, California at the time made him comparable to the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, emphasizing that I did not know any of these things about Richard when he caught my attention, and I have never compared him to Dexter or any other man. I tweeted that I had a crush on Richard, though I never followed him on social media for fear that he might be attacked. I was serious about Richard, like I was serious about Maxwell, like I would have married either of them and went Dutch on their bills, had a diet of eating primarily either of them, and I would have learned to cook their favorite dishes serious. I am very selective about men. When I find one I like, however, I really like him.
Shortly after expressing my crush on Richard, his father suddenly passed away, and I wondered if the same individuals who'd attacked Maxwell and other men in whom I've taken interest had something to do with it. I prayed for Richard and his family like I've prayed for Maxwell and his and decided to back off.
I am not certain who my next man and, hopefully, future husband is going to be; hopefully, he is someone who would be a great romantic and business partner with whom I can work to actualize my myriad of ideas and his. Whoever he might be, I am hoping that he is someone who can provide protection to me and my two children and any children that he and I might have...
Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment
The cities of Memphis and Atlanta each endeavored to force me back into relationship with the contract murderer I dated, though, and as I've made it abundantly clear, I have no further interests in this man. My wild guess is that they want him to finish the job and/or it’s for the sake of the Jacksons....
...There has alternately been an endeavor to nudge me into a romantic relationship with one of the local Memphis business owners I volunteered for who is a single father who was having some challenges and couldn't really afford to pay for help. After leaving the “volunteer” assignment with this individual, companies to which I was assigned in subsequence were notably within vicinity of his company and his home, which I had visited on an occasion to carry groceries to him after learning of his hardships...
When I became employed with Shelby County Schools, allusions—not—delusions were also made to this individual. For example, while on assignment at A.B. Hill Elementary School in Memphis, the instructor of the class I was assigned to asked me to step over to a “Home Living” room that had been newly added to their department. There was, among other things, a kitchen, a full-size bed, a desk and a chair near the bed. There was a note on the back of the chair that read “Life is a chair of Bowlies,” Bowlies being very similar to the surname of the business owner I was being harassed about.
During an assignment at another school I was placed in a classroom at an extension of an individual with the business owner’s first name and my last name. While en route to another assignment I encountered a sign with the business owner’s first name near the school.
During the time that I’d “volunteered” for this individual I’d commenced to selling candy to earn income in light of the fact that he could not afford to pay me. Notably, at several schools to which I was assigned I was asked to bag candy in lieu of assisting with instruction. There were also many other allusions to this business owner.
I was also informed that this individual is or was a drug dealer who was using his business for which he sought “volunteers” from the Department of Human Services as a front. While I was sympathetic of his ordeal, I was not/am not interested in romance with him, and I certainly would not forego a paying job to work for a pseudo relationship/sex and shared cohabitation with him…
Despite my continuous expression of disinterest in this man, I am routinely subject to harassment about volunteering or providing free labor for him in exchange for romance. Whenever I express disinterest, it is suggested that he’d be faithful to me, which does not matter because I am not interested in him, and I find the persistent endeavors to nudge me into relationship with him highly offensive…
One of the reasons that these companies endeavor to improperly retain DHS “Career Steps volunteers” is that they are actually paid about $700 per month per volunteer to do so. Never mind that the “volunteer” could earn on a real job about thrice (three times) the amount that they and their host companies are paid monthly. The hosts or equivalent of human traffickers in my case are only concerned for themselves…
I have lived the last several years of my life in fear of what could happen to me and my children if I never acquire a full-time job. I have been applying for full-time jobs since before I resigned for previously stated and merited reasons from the last full-time job I had over twelve years ago.
It is simply unbecoming of an agency like DHS or any of its workers to involve themselves with endeavoring to force clients or former clients out of paying jobs and into relationships they’re not interested in, and that certainly would not be in the best interest of their children. DHS employees and any and all involved leaders should be promptly removed from any positions where they can invoke this manner of harm and violation of the rights of program participants, or former program participants in my case. They should also face criminal charges equitable with any prison time, etc. that any other human trafficker would serve, due to the very serious nature of the described acts, which are injurious to families and transgress the purported nature of these programs.
During the time that I was in the program, I frequently lacked funds to buy diapers for my then infant daughter, noting that a significant sum of the $142.00 per month went towards purchasing gas to get to the companies I was providing free labor for (DHS provided us a $15.00 gas card each week; because most of my assignments were a significant distance from my then residence, the government-funded fuel didn't last very long). We went through several washing machines having to wash bed covers so much.
What I could never understand is how my exploiters brought themselves to believe that my providing free labor to companies was the noble thing to do, while my children were growing up without a decent place to live and other necessities to which all children should be privileged. I and my children were residing with my parents in their very conservative two bedroom apartment, which was certainly not an ideal situation...
Though I/my children and parents are currently in the housing choice (Section 8) program via the Memphis Housing Authority and have moved to a more spacious 3 bedroom house, the utilities at the the newer and larger and yet not large enough house are nearly double the $200+ that we paid at our previous residences.
I additionally must still share a room with my daughter. I resorted to the program because of my inability to acquire a full-time job that would enable me to acquire decent housing for me and my children. Thanks to HUD secretary, Ben Carson, who I admired for his previous profession, our rent went from the initial $127 to $390 and climbing...
...Our rent tripled since I acquired a part-time job at FedEx Express, an amount that is not unreasonable. The problem is continuing to raise the rent without a significant raise in participant income. What excited me about getting into the housing choice program is that I was under the impression that program participants would be privy to help in acquiring sufficient employment. Whenever I inquire about such a program, I am informed by the MHA (Memphis Housing Authority) employees that it is inexistent...
...Though FedEx employees can opt for full-time employment, the extremely laborious nature of the work there or moving excessive amounts of often very heavy packages can and has caused serious employee injuries. This juxtapose exposure to extreme temperatures, extreme cold in winter and extreme heat in summer, makes stay at FedEx extremely difficult, not to mention harassment that I am personally experiencing there that appears to be at the nudging of Chick-fil-A, which recently opened up shop in the FedEx hub cafeteria...
To be honest, and I'm saying this in all seriousness, Chick-fil-A's historic attacks on me and my children make it very clear that Chick-fil-A executives or employees who are spearheading attacks on my children and me have serious psychological issues.
Hopefully, FedEx Express, etc. will implement improvements that I suggested in a previous post and that I'll be formally submitting to the company prior to resigning for employment elsewhere noting that I am resigning after acquiring another paying job, NOT a "volunteer" job. Click here to read those suggestions.
I am aware that endeavors to keep me unemployed and/or underemployed were an element of the continuous reprisals that were purported to humiliate me. Everyone is aware by now, I'm certain, that my mental faculties are fully intact. I am knowledgeable of contrary implications made by certain individuals who are taking issue with my protest and refusal to volunteer again for a welfare check and date people I'm not interested in, however...
Apparently, I've been sane enough to work for free, or a $142.00 per month welfare check, but not sane enough to work a real, paying job, which, as we can all see, is bologna. My mental health has never really been in question. The issue is the epidemic insanity of corporate bullies...
The other reason that people wanted to keep me in crisis mode is that varied individuals, I believe, have been on the receiving end of payouts from under-the-table pseudo settlements of my case(s) and for information on my blogs, payouts that I never agreed to, and though those individuals do very little to nothing for me or my children. Click here to read an article that I wrote discussing Why Laundering Money to Non-Parties on Behalf of Injured Parties in Litigation is Bad Business. I’m simply NOT going to accept spending the rest of my life in crisis so that opportunists can continue receiving payouts for me. I and my children deserve better than that. I simply cannot afford to work for free, and I refuse to resume doing so. I am now an opponent of TANF or Families First, as it is called in Memphis, after my experiences in the program. I would discourage anyone from participating in it. I reserve the right like anyone else to work for sufficient pay wherever I choose, and to not date anyone I’m not interested in...
People who volunteer typically have a source of income. I did spend a significant number of years volunteering for different causes, but I had a regular job. No one in their right mind would “volunteer” without a real source of income, with bill collectors ringing their phone off the hook!!! A $142.00 per month welfare check did not cover my bills.
...There has alternately been an endeavor to nudge me into a romantic relationship with one of the local Memphis business owners I volunteered for who is a single father who was having some challenges and couldn't really afford to pay for help. After leaving the “volunteer” assignment with this individual, companies to which I was assigned in subsequence were notably within vicinity of his company and his home, which I had visited on an occasion to carry groceries to him after learning of his hardships...
When I became employed with Shelby County Schools, allusions—not—delusions were also made to this individual. For example, while on assignment at A.B. Hill Elementary School in Memphis, the instructor of the class I was assigned to asked me to step over to a “Home Living” room that had been newly added to their department. There was, among other things, a kitchen, a full-size bed, a desk and a chair near the bed. There was a note on the back of the chair that read “Life is a chair of Bowlies,” Bowlies being very similar to the surname of the business owner I was being harassed about.
During an assignment at another school I was placed in a classroom at an extension of an individual with the business owner’s first name and my last name. While en route to another assignment I encountered a sign with the business owner’s first name near the school.
During the time that I’d “volunteered” for this individual I’d commenced to selling candy to earn income in light of the fact that he could not afford to pay me. Notably, at several schools to which I was assigned I was asked to bag candy in lieu of assisting with instruction. There were also many other allusions to this business owner.
I was also informed that this individual is or was a drug dealer who was using his business for which he sought “volunteers” from the Department of Human Services as a front. While I was sympathetic of his ordeal, I was not/am not interested in romance with him, and I certainly would not forego a paying job to work for a pseudo relationship/sex and shared cohabitation with him…
Despite my continuous expression of disinterest in this man, I am routinely subject to harassment about volunteering or providing free labor for him in exchange for romance. Whenever I express disinterest, it is suggested that he’d be faithful to me, which does not matter because I am not interested in him, and I find the persistent endeavors to nudge me into relationship with him highly offensive…
One of the reasons that these companies endeavor to improperly retain DHS “Career Steps volunteers” is that they are actually paid about $700 per month per volunteer to do so. Never mind that the “volunteer” could earn on a real job about thrice (three times) the amount that they and their host companies are paid monthly. The hosts or equivalent of human traffickers in my case are only concerned for themselves…
I have lived the last several years of my life in fear of what could happen to me and my children if I never acquire a full-time job. I have been applying for full-time jobs since before I resigned for previously stated and merited reasons from the last full-time job I had over twelve years ago.
It is simply unbecoming of an agency like DHS or any of its workers to involve themselves with endeavoring to force clients or former clients out of paying jobs and into relationships they’re not interested in, and that certainly would not be in the best interest of their children. DHS employees and any and all involved leaders should be promptly removed from any positions where they can invoke this manner of harm and violation of the rights of program participants, or former program participants in my case. They should also face criminal charges equitable with any prison time, etc. that any other human trafficker would serve, due to the very serious nature of the described acts, which are injurious to families and transgress the purported nature of these programs.
During the time that I was in the program, I frequently lacked funds to buy diapers for my then infant daughter, noting that a significant sum of the $142.00 per month went towards purchasing gas to get to the companies I was providing free labor for (DHS provided us a $15.00 gas card each week; because most of my assignments were a significant distance from my then residence, the government-funded fuel didn't last very long). We went through several washing machines having to wash bed covers so much.
What I could never understand is how my exploiters brought themselves to believe that my providing free labor to companies was the noble thing to do, while my children were growing up without a decent place to live and other necessities to which all children should be privileged. I and my children were residing with my parents in their very conservative two bedroom apartment, which was certainly not an ideal situation...
Though I/my children and parents are currently in the housing choice (Section 8) program via the Memphis Housing Authority and have moved to a more spacious 3 bedroom house, the utilities at the the newer and larger and yet not large enough house are nearly double the $200+ that we paid at our previous residences.
I additionally must still share a room with my daughter. I resorted to the program because of my inability to acquire a full-time job that would enable me to acquire decent housing for me and my children. Thanks to HUD secretary, Ben Carson, who I admired for his previous profession, our rent went from the initial $127 to $390 and climbing...
...Our rent tripled since I acquired a part-time job at FedEx Express, an amount that is not unreasonable. The problem is continuing to raise the rent without a significant raise in participant income. What excited me about getting into the housing choice program is that I was under the impression that program participants would be privy to help in acquiring sufficient employment. Whenever I inquire about such a program, I am informed by the MHA (Memphis Housing Authority) employees that it is inexistent...
...Though FedEx employees can opt for full-time employment, the extremely laborious nature of the work there or moving excessive amounts of often very heavy packages can and has caused serious employee injuries. This juxtapose exposure to extreme temperatures, extreme cold in winter and extreme heat in summer, makes stay at FedEx extremely difficult, not to mention harassment that I am personally experiencing there that appears to be at the nudging of Chick-fil-A, which recently opened up shop in the FedEx hub cafeteria...
To be honest, and I'm saying this in all seriousness, Chick-fil-A's historic attacks on me and my children make it very clear that Chick-fil-A executives or employees who are spearheading attacks on my children and me have serious psychological issues.
Hopefully, FedEx Express, etc. will implement improvements that I suggested in a previous post and that I'll be formally submitting to the company prior to resigning for employment elsewhere noting that I am resigning after acquiring another paying job, NOT a "volunteer" job. Click here to read those suggestions.
I am aware that endeavors to keep me unemployed and/or underemployed were an element of the continuous reprisals that were purported to humiliate me. Everyone is aware by now, I'm certain, that my mental faculties are fully intact. I am knowledgeable of contrary implications made by certain individuals who are taking issue with my protest and refusal to volunteer again for a welfare check and date people I'm not interested in, however...
Apparently, I've been sane enough to work for free, or a $142.00 per month welfare check, but not sane enough to work a real, paying job, which, as we can all see, is bologna. My mental health has never really been in question. The issue is the epidemic insanity of corporate bullies...
The other reason that people wanted to keep me in crisis mode is that varied individuals, I believe, have been on the receiving end of payouts from under-the-table pseudo settlements of my case(s) and for information on my blogs, payouts that I never agreed to, and though those individuals do very little to nothing for me or my children. Click here to read an article that I wrote discussing Why Laundering Money to Non-Parties on Behalf of Injured Parties in Litigation is Bad Business. I’m simply NOT going to accept spending the rest of my life in crisis so that opportunists can continue receiving payouts for me. I and my children deserve better than that. I simply cannot afford to work for free, and I refuse to resume doing so. I am now an opponent of TANF or Families First, as it is called in Memphis, after my experiences in the program. I would discourage anyone from participating in it. I reserve the right like anyone else to work for sufficient pay wherever I choose, and to not date anyone I’m not interested in...
People who volunteer typically have a source of income. I did spend a significant number of years volunteering for different causes, but I had a regular job. No one in their right mind would “volunteer” without a real source of income, with bill collectors ringing their phone off the hook!!! A $142.00 per month welfare check did not cover my bills.
After being harassed from my job with Shelby County Schools, I was penniless, with unpaid bills accruing interest and my two minor children to support, and despite fervent efforts to secure another full-time job.
I eventually acquired a month assignment with Labor Ready (now People Ready), and I have been employed part-time with FedEx Express for a little over a year now, where I have too been subjected to harassment.
The chief bully even showed up at my son's high school graduation, and I'm now wondering if they have been involved in attacks on my son and daughter at their schools and elsewhere and on me outside of the workplace.
Amusingly, FedEx appears to support my Jackson's tourist loop idea. Shortly after retrospectively adding excerpts of the idea to my A King Who Spoke for the King of All Kings blog post a few months ago, they placed a Pepsi ad life-size cut-out prop of Michael Jackson in the FedEx cafeteria...
...Shortly afterwards, the prop appeared in an Exxon filling station and Family Dollar store that I frequent. I was stunned that the noted companies materialized their interest in my idea in this manner, where others can plainly see it, though I'm certain that many people have additionally seen the group of dreaded men who appear to have Michael Jackson complexes who shadow me to grocery stores and other localities to remind me, presumably, of the Jacksons' and others' interest in my Jackson's tourist loop idea...
I am confident that my idea is the reason for placement of the props in the noted companies because, despite Michael Jackson's legendary status, he had lost this level of popularity, and, from all appearances, this manner of resurrected interest in him, particularly by Pepsi, appears to correspond with my suggestion that Pepsi be among the sponsors my Jackson's tourist loop idea...
From all appearances, I am additionally being harassed about Dexter and his wife at FedEx, presumably because of the company's utilization of the color purple, which is an emblem of regality, and though Dexter/his wife are not literally regal and though I have no interests whatsoever in dealing with either of them...
Endeavors to Prevent Me from Receiving Child Support for My Children
The Jacksons' dilemma appears to be among the reasons that efforts have been made to prevent me and my two children from having any form of income, including child support from their fathers.
...I strongly believe that one of the reasons that effort has been made to specifically prevent my daughter from receiving support from her father is because of certain individuals not wanting it established that her father is NOT my ex, Pierce, who is frequently compared to Michael Jackson because of the story I wrote in one of my Creative Writing workshops at Georgia State University. Shortly after I provided my daughter's aunt Phyllis Frazier's address to the Memphis child support office she was murdered by her boyfriend...
I’d reconnected with Phyllis on Facebook, and my daughter and I regularly communicated with her. I had thought it strange when we were suddenly unable to reach her. My thought was that it was an issue with our telephones. While I was in Atlanta after escorting one of my cousins and a lady there for whom his mother (my aunt) was employed as a sitter, I attempted again to telephone Phyllis, wanting to visit with her and my daughter's dad with my daughter. I decided not to drive out to her home when I couldn’t reach her over the phone, thinking perhaps that she wasn’t there, as in she’d stepped out, or that there was an ongoing issue with our telephones. It wasn’t until about a month afterwards that I received a call from my daughter’s father informing me of the news that Phyllis had been murdered...
I was completely shocked, and, to be honest, the very first thing that entered my mind was listing Phyllis’s name and contact information in the noted child support documents. There were/are those who harbor(ed) ill-feelings towards me, my daughter, and her father after I moved on from Pierce... These individuals were and are still upset that my daughter’s father is her father instead of Pierce... I wondered if Phyllis’s death had something to do with this. The son of the lady who I’d escorted to Atlanta had been seriously injured in a motorcycle accident, and he later died, which is why I’d gotten an eery feeling when attempting unsuccessfully to contact Phyllis.
The powers-that-be otherwise appear to be forbidding me to have income until I provide the Jacksons with the business proposals I wrote for them and/or unless I become romantically involved with specific men I'm not interested in, which, of course, is a violation of my rights...
...My son's father only paid child support for five months when my son was 17-years-old, and was encouraged by the child support office to stop paying around my son's 18th birthday, though he owes me for 17 years and 7 months of support that he did not provide.
I have worked hard over the years and continue working hard to provide for my children the best that I can, and it has been a bit more challenging since my son is in college. I filed for retroactive child support for both of my children from the time that they were born...
The child support office acknowledged that my son's father still owes me child support, though we have not received payments in about a year.
My children and I have been traumatized enough minus the King and Jackson and other stated ordeals. The law should never be a respector of persons or legitimize irrelevant parties ravishing victims regardless of reasons.
I decided to take the time to tell my story here in hopes that someone with good sense and the power to intervene would do so, and stop the continuous abuse.
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