If you reside in the state of Tennessee and you've utilized the Jobs4TN website, you are aware of some issues with the site that could possibly affect your employment prospects.One of the issues is the inability to give precise job titles for some jobs that you've worked.
For example, if you've worked for a staffing agency and performed a variety of different jobs, you cannot indicate that you were a temp. You must rather select a title that is closest to either of the jobs that you've performed with the agency from a list of given titles.
...Another issue is that after you've uploaded and perfected your initial resume you must delete newly populated and typically fragmented job descriptions for the same companies that are abstracted from newly uploaded resumes, or they'll all be saved and automatically selected for publication to prospective employers, who might possibly think you're an idiot when you cannot delete these duplicate entries if either or all of them is ever tied to an unemployment claim. If this happens, simply uncheck the publication boxes...
You can additionally contact the Department of Labor via the Jobs4TN site to request that duplicate entries tied to an unemployment claim be deleted, considering that they can and should maintain all elements of unemployment claims in different files or at a different locality on the Jobs4TN site.
Another issue is the fact that resumes expire so frequently, when really they should never expire. Account holders should receive emails periodically, however, asking if there has been a change in their employment status and/or if they should update their resumes and/or other account information...
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